The Conference Committee is pleased to announce our list of this year’s speakers.

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  • Headliner – In Person
  • In-Person Speaker
  • Virtual Presenter
  • Headliner-Virtual
Head shotof Jhenah Telyndru

Jhenah Telyndru

Jhenah Telyndru (MA, Celtic Studies) is a priestess, author, and Continue reading →

Head shot of Ivo Dominguez Jr.

Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

Ivo Dominguez, Jr. has been active in Wiccan and the Continue reading →

Raven Kaldera

Raven Kaldera is a Northern Tradition shaman, herbalist, astrologer, polyamorous Continue reading →

Sara Mastros

Sara Mastros

Sara Mastros, author of Orphic Hymns Grimoire and Big Book Continue reading →

Photo of BJ Swain

BJ Swain

“BJ Swain is the author of Living Spirits: A Guide Continue reading →

Badger/Sophie Schultz

Born and raised in the Philadelphia suburbs, Sophia Kelly Shultz Continue reading →

picture of Gretchen Schork in front of bookshelf

Rev. Gretchen A.L. Schork OCL:AL

Rev. Gretchen A.L. Schork, OCL:AL is an international speaker on Continue reading →

Jane Sibley

Jane T. Sibley, one of the founders of CTCW, also Continue reading →

Julie Atkinson head shot

Julie Atkinson

Julie Atkinson is a Reiki Master Teacher, podcaster, and devotee Continue reading →

Mary D'Alba

Mary D’Alba

Mary D’Alba is a seasoned astrologer and mystic whose work Continue reading →

Patricia Robin Woodruff

Patricia Robin Woodruff

Patricia Robin Woodruff (she/her) is an artist and writer, polymath Continue reading →

Photo of Sarah O=Malley sitting at a vendor's table

Sarah Wildes O’Malley

Some know me by my maiden name of Wildes, others Continue reading →

Terence P. Ward

Terence P Ward is the author of Empty Cauldrons: Navigating Depression Continue reading →

Photo of Velahtar


Velahtar grew up on a horse farm just outside Elk Continue reading →


Lailani FOUNDER/OWNER @ THE MAGICKAL SOLUTION Lailani is a reconnecting Continue reading →

Athena Dugan

Athena loves working with the labyrinth as ritual; dedicating the Continue reading →

Griffon Magik

GriffonMagik has practiced magic and art all her life and Continue reading →

Marco Filgueiras

Marco Felgueiras is a seasoned cartomancer with over three decades Continue reading →

Michelle Hanson

Following a lifetime of study with her seashell partners, Michelle Continue reading →

Renee Fleury

Renee Fleury is a distinguished sound healer and druid whose Continue reading →

Taylor Ellwood

Taylor Ellwood is the magician. He’s been practicing and experimenting Continue reading →

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