These are our workshops for 2014. (we may sneak in one or two more, but this is it.)
Affordable Metaphysics for Everyone- Catherine Kane
Metaphysics. Amazing, useful, fun. And, at times- expensive. Books. Classes. Crystals. Gadgets. There’s always something new- and many of these things aren’t cheap. Let new age chick Catherine Kane show you better ways to access your magick without breaking the bank.
Alchemical Gold: The History and Significance of Hermetics- Ariel M. Sirocco
This presentation traces the roots of Hermetics (more popularly known as Alchemy) and offers a view of Hermetics that spans thousands of years. We will look into the role that Hermetics has played on the world stage, both ancient and modern. From its less than humble beginnings, to the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and into the modern scientific age, we discuss how Hermetic philosophy has inspired more spiritual and intellectual development than any other *spiritual ideology* in the course of human history. PowerPoint presentation.
The Alfar and the Aos Sidhe: Elves in Different Cultural contexts– Morgan Daimler
There are some fascinating similarities between beliefs about elves in the Norse and Irish cultures. In this workshop we will discuss the history of these powerful beings, within both cultural contexts, as well as precautions, protections, and how to handle the consequences of accidentally annoying them. Learn the role that the elves played in folk culture and how they can be honored again today. 1 hour
Alternative Pain Management- Catherine Kane
Got pain? At some point, most of us do. Mainstream medicine has good management options, but there’s other ways to deal with pain as well. Join Catherine Kane for a tour of alternative health ways to deal with pain. Includes practical knowledge and optional experiences you can use right away.
Akichita Wakan’: Way of the Sacred Warrior- Dennis Seavey-Windsinger
Throughout human history, there have been those warriors who have achieved metaphysical awaking and spiritual growth through the intense discipline and practice of their martial lifestyle. From the Shaolin Monks of China, the Native American Warrior Societies, the Samurai of Japan, the Holy Orders of Knighthood, etc., come some of the most selfless and enlightened people in history. Learn how the path of a sacred warrior can be used to achieve spiritual and metaphysical growth, as well as experiencing first-hand the calm eye of the storm center through actual physiomeditative exercises and techniques. Participants should wear comfortable clothing that they can move in and a mat for the floor if they wish.
ASL and the Erasure Effect-Taliesin aka Thor Halvorsen
This workshop and discussion will highlight the absence of signs in American Sign Language within the vernacular and social cultural discussions of the Deaf, and the issues and ramifications that has upon those of us who are Deaf Pagans. Will discuss strategies how we might start to change that erasure and begin the true interfaith discussions and acceptance of Pagans within the culture and language of the Deaf in USA.
Ancient Egyptian Mythology and Magic – Sophia Kelly Shultz
Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Mythology and Magic: At the root for many magical practices lies ancient Egyptian magic. Ever pragmatic and practical the Egyptians viewed their entire world as magical, and crafted their practices to reflect that. I promise it won’t be boring!
Ancient Spirits, Modern World- Morgan Daimler
This workshop will look at the place that fairies, land spirits, genus locii, house spirits, and other assorted spirits had in the ancient world and where they fit in to the modern world. Ways to be aware of spirits in urban and technological settings will be discussed, as well as ways to honor spirits in a modern the context of a modern life. The spirits of old are with us still, if we only take the time to be aware of them, and some of them have changed and adapted to fit into the new world we have made. 1 hour
A Touch of Accupressure- Catherine Kane
Let’s get right to the point -a weekend convention is lots of fun, but too much fun can take its toll on your body. Basic acupressure (no needles involved) can help you regain your health and center, as well as strengthen your health in the long run. All in as little as one minute per issue per day. (Yes, you did read that correctly…).
In this class, learn simple points to relieve sinus and migraine headaches, give you an instant “burst of energy” (without a post-caffeine slump), relieve pain and other helpful applications. Practical, easy to learn skills that you can use immediately.
Aura Exercises- Sha Blackburn
In this workshop, we will work on perceiving the aura through touch and sight. By gaining an awareness of your aura and the aura of others, we can work on enhancing your EMF and find out how to balance your energy, feel more grounded, and feel more empowered. We will discuss simple, every day things that you can do which will enhance your aura and balance your EMF. Within this workshop we will meditate on your aura to help you awaken to your own array of colors.
Participants in this workshop will receive a discount on an aura photo with Sha.
Awakening the Warrior Spirit- Stephanie Woodfield
Draw upon the power of the Morrigan‚ the Celtic embodiment of the battle and strength. Ancient warriors and kings revered her, now in modern times she seeks new champions. Learn the importance of the Warrior archetype in the world of the Celts and how it is essential to our lives today.
BeingEarth Wisdom, Portals to Planetary Consciousness- Lela Florel
BeingEarth Wisdom, Portals to Planetary Consciousness.
In today’s culture separations from essential nature are destroying the very Web of Life we all depend upon to live. BeingEarth Wisdom reconnects us to Sacred Earth and shows how we can live in harmony with Her. It gives us the tools we need to provide essential wisdom for our lives today.
This work takes different forms:
• It is a deck of Wisdom Cards that can be used for readings, teaching, spiritual guidance, an aid to expanded planetary consciousness, and an every day guide.
• It is a Story of planetary life, our journey and participation in it. A living Story that we are shaping.
• It is a body of Wisdom, offering portals to expanded planetary consciousness. It reconnects, integrates, and heals separations. It guides us to oneness with Sacred Earthlife and seamlessly aligns that with the everyday. It is a joyous journey to experiencing ourselves as one with / part of the miracle of planetary life.
This workshop includes:
1. Introduction
2. The Story
3. Meanings of individual cards which transmit the BeingEarthWisdom are explained and discussed. This part is Interactive
1.5 hour
This workshop is an introduction and a suggested prerequisite for the deeper Experiential workshop.
Bodywork: Your First Three Chakras- Dr. Claire Fitzpatrick
We all know that we are beings of light living a human experience; however, sometimes that experience is a challenge, especially when we as if we feel disconnected from our bodies and our desire to experience one another physically. What are light workers to do when their first three chakras will not clear, who experience pain and dysfunction in their bodies, and a medical doctor can find nothing wrong? Dr. Claire Fitzpatrick will present a fascinating look at chiropractic as the bridge between the physical and energetic bodies and the health care solution that may just bring your chakras and sex life back to life!
Chango: fighter/lover/magician – Lady AMber Dawn
All you ever wanted to know about the Loa/Orisha/Orixa of fire, thunder, lighting and of the drums but were afraid to ask.
Chango/Sango/Hevissco is one of the Major figures of the African Diaspora religions. He is one of the Warriors. He is in almost every religion in the Africa Diaspora and His role remains the same in each one. His European counterpart is THOR! He has hung Hisself on the Worle Tree similarly to the God Odin for eternal wisdom after punishing to death two of His disciples. He was resurrected. He is the father of the drum. He is the master of the dance. He awaits for you! Set up-an air conditioned room. Although He will not be formally called, he tends to “heat up” a room Class Level: Intermediate Class time: 1.5 hours Pre-req: should have a basic knowledge of the African Diaspora.
Circle of Joyous Healing and Play – Julieanne Palmer
Are you ready for joy? Come and let your child live again! This circle will allow you to let go of that which no longer serves you in a safe and sacred space. We will joyously call that part of you that has been missing, so that you can go forward with a heart that is full and a spirit that is dancing. You will dance away with a new attitude towards your future, your dreams and your reality. Let’s explore the opportunities and check in with yourself, have a conversation with the Earth, Spirit, your body and your soul. Using my shamanic gifts I will facilitate the Circle to bring healing, balance and joy. We will connect to the collective, the planet the cosmos and your heart. Come and join together to begin a journey of strength, rejuvenation and wellness. Bring your Spirit and let us begin the Dance!
Cleansing – Not Just for Sacred Spaces- Kathryn Smith
A great deal has been written about cleansing and purifying yourself prior to doing magical working, and about cleansing and warding your ritual space. This is grounded in the idea that you have a temple, or at least a room, set aside for nothing but religious activity or ritual work. For many modern practitioners, a dedicated temple or ritual space is just not possible. For us, our personal living space must also be sacred space. We’ll look at techniques for keeping those personal spaces as clear as possible, with an eye to understanding the principle so that you can adapt things from your tradition or personal practice to achieve it.
Clergy- Should we keep the Book or toss it?- Taliesin aka Thor Halvorsen
This discussion will look at the role expectations of clergy, from the Christian perspective and raise the question of the definition and roles expected of Pagan/Heathen priest/priestesses. Do we simply mimic the common Christian expected roles, or do we rewrite the book and come up with our own culturally religious relevant expectations and responsibilities?
Connecting to the World of Faery- Morgan Daimler
This workshop is designed for those who interested in actively connecting to and building working relationships with the world of Faery, also called the Otherworld and it’s inhabitants. Participants will learn how to establish connections to the Otherworld and basic principles for traveling to it, as well as essential safety precautions. Additionally we will look at ways that the Otherworld and its inhabitants may communicate with us. Prereq. Celtic Otherworld
1 hour
“Craft n’ Bitch”* – Kyndle
* no bitching required
Crafting a Guided Meditation- Kathryn Smith
Many spiritual and magical practices make use of guided meditations and visualizations. They can be great tools, and there are thousands available, some effective and some not so effective. When you’re ready to move beyond using someone else’s text, you need to develop and understanding of the patterns within them, and how to use them to make your text effective. We’ll look at several broad classes of visualization, and discuss what kind of content you need to make each type work effectively.
Creating Your Own Tarot Spread- Sha Blackburn
Part 2 of The Labyrinth of the Tarot: Understanding and Creating Tarot Spreads:
We will discuss the numerology, shape, and purpose of the spread, and I will work with each person to create their own personalized spread for enhancing your readings.
The Dirt on Dirt Turnsteel
Part 1, How to get it, how to use it, and the magic of Graveyard Dirt
This workshop will cover how to collect and use dirt in spell work with a focus on Graveyard Dirt.
The Dirt on Dirt Part 2.
Spirit‑workers and magicians the world over, and all throughout time, have used a variety of methods to go into altered states. From there, they could access other worlds and touch divine forces. This class will give you a map of the eight roads to that unique place, covering methods of altered states used by all cultures, some more dangerous than others. From the Path of Rhythm to the Path of Sacred Plants to the Path of Meditation to the Ordeal Path, we’ll explore them all. We will not, however, be using these methods in class; this is discussion only.
Elder Futhark/Anglo-Saxon/Frisian Futharks – Jane Sibley
description below under Runes
Embracing the Dark Goddess: Rethinking How We Approach the Dark Goddess and Her Mysteries- Stephanie Woodfield
Explore the power and mysteries of the dark goddess. Learn who she is, and her role in our lives today. She is the goddess of transformation, warriorship, and change. She speaks to us through goddesses like the Morrigan, Sekhmet, and Kali. She is not simply the Crone, she is a force that moves through our lives from our first breathe to our last, and can be a powerful guide throughout our lives.
Essential Oils and Energy Work – Stephanie Seger
Ever wanted to know how magically the essences of plants can affect your aura? Ground, center, shield, and learn basic energy manipulation meditations in accompaniment with essential oils to have a more impactful spiritual practice. Learn how to boost your aura, strengthen your immune system, and be able to protect yourself as well as help aid in connecting with others. Plants have their own vibration, and essential oils can be anywhere from 50-70 times more powerful than herbs. Learn to speak with the oils and integrate the essential oils with your own being. Brief meditation will be held at the end of class.
Ethical Issues in Divination- Sewmagical
Doing a reading for another person can be easy or difficult. People may divulge confidential details about their problems. How do we deal with this. If the reading shows something negative, how do we deal with giving that news? What should we do, or not do, as responsible readers. On the other side of the table, what can/should we expect from a reader we consult?
Festivals, Moon Services and Raising Stones: Four Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary- Sophia Kelly Shultz
Four Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary in south-central Pennsylvania was founded with the intention of building a safe haven for all spiritual practices. Explore the Land, the twice-monthly Moon Services, and the continuing construction of our sanctuary: the Stone Circle. Why is there a Church of Four Quarters? What is the point of raising Stones weighing from 1,000 pounds to 8 tons–without modern equipment? How does the term “interfaith” work in the context of Four Quarters? How can we celebrate holidays such as Beltane and Yule and not all be Wiccan? Ask questions: you’ll either get answers on get to see a member of the Board of Directors sputter, flounder, and promise to get back to you after I frantically message the Past President on Facebook. As you can see, humor is welcome. This is not a sales pitch, it is an exploration of a place that I call Home and from which I have taken much inspiration
Gentle-slow Flow Yoga- Jenni Kenney
Yoga for everyone, no experience required. A gentle slow asana practice to help settle the mind and move the body. Bring a yoga mat, water, and any props you may need.
Getting that Metaphysical Book Out – Catherine Kane and Morgan Daimler
Everybody has a Life Mission- something we bring to the Party of Life that no one else can bring. And some of us do that by writing a book. Do you have a book in you? More to the point, how do you get that book out and into the world? Join published authors Morgan Daimler and Catherine Kane for tips, tricks and ideas on time management, motivation, facing your fears of writing and publishing, getting support and lots more about how to get that book out of your head and your heart and onto the page Do you have a book in you? Learn practical ways to bring your book to life.
Global Shamanism – Adhi Moonien Two Owls
Shamanism is a pre-religion that defines ways to navigate the seen and unseen world. It is found in the spiritual roots of people all over the globe. This presentation will focus on some of the interesting ways that Shamanism can be used to support change and resolution. Adhi discusses the “dreaming” techniques used by traditional shamans, and shares new ways that incorporate the technologies of the day. She will also shed light on some of the scientific aspects of these techniques and why they are effective in bringing about change.
Good Vibrations: Healing with Sound Waves- Maryalyce Merritt
In this class we will discuss the fundamentals of sound healing & how sound waves can be used to heal body, mind, heart, & spirit. In the first session, we will discuss why sound healing works. In the second session, we will use a variety of tools such as singing bowls & tuning forks to demonstrate the concepts in the 1st class. Maybe we could just offer the 2nd part as a sound healing meditation with singing bowls? Optional materials of an adjustable pitch tuning fork $30 if I teach folks how to use them.
In their presence ~ Part One~ A Circle of Gratitude- Lori-Ann Locke
It’s happened to all of us. We’ll be thinking of a loved one who is in spirit when suddenly their favorite song comes on the radio. Or we’ll be struggling with some mundane issue and seeking Divine comfort when suddenly a ladybug lands nearby or we hear the cry of a hawk. Perhaps an old friend calls and begins talking about a resource or an idea that offers a solution to our immediate issue. Whatever the example, it is within these moments that we KNOW we did not merely experience an interesting coincidence but were blessed with the touch of Spirit. In the blink of an eye we are overcome with gratitude and joy, perhaps even moved to tears. Each time it happens, we are instantly returned to a state of awe, humility and wonder. Today, we will sit in circle together and each participant will share a brief story of a moment in time when they felt the touch of spirit. In so doing we’ll realize that these experiences aren’t what make us “different” but are part of the invisible web of Spirit that binds us together. Emotions can run high in these circles and the presence of Spirit can usually be felt. After our sharing, each participant will be given a small gift to remember their time in circle. Although this isn’t a “ritual” per se, we will go about things in a way that is ceremonial and respectful. Therefore, participants should arrive on time and be ready to settle down as we’ll be closing the door before we begin and it must remain closed throughout. It goes without saying that other people’s stories should not be repeated outside of circle and cell phones will have to be shut off during our time together. Participants don’t have to be “advanced” but must be open to the potential intensity of a shared experience such as this. There can be no “spectators” in the room. All present must participate. We’ll have a 2-hour time slot to allow ample time for everyone to share.
Hula hoop trance meditation – Stephanie Seger
For any of those who find it hard to meditate while standing still, those that focus better on movement might do better with a hula hoop trance! Modifications can be made for those with physical limitations. Music will be played in the background, and basic moving/awakening the fire (or kundalini) is performed while activating your core. We will end with a simple guided meditation with hoop (or if you are too out of breath, you may sit down and process everything and listen while doing breathing techniques with the hoop). Come, sweat, have fun, and connect to the spiritual through physical activity. All skill levels welcome.
Hula Hoop Basics- Stephanie Seger
Learn how to do basic hula hoop moods. It is an easy walk through, and Skwerl can go through the history as well as application of hula hoops into a work out that you can do at home. We will start off with waist hooping, then move into hand hooping. Modifications will be made for people with limited mobility. All hoopers of any level welcome!
Introduction to Personal Alchemy- Ariel M. Sirocco
At its foundation, Alchemy has always been considered “The Great Work” of causing change within one’s self known as turning-lead-to-gold or creating The Philosopher’s Stone. In this session, we’ll take a look at what goes on when a Hermeticist, using Alchemy, is building *internal spirit* to create personal energy and to manifest on the material plane. We’ll touch upon the basics such as: Spiritual Testing, framing, preparing, ritualizing, conducting, and release. PowerPoint presentation.
The Labyrinth of the Tarot: Understanding and Creating Tarot Spreads- with Sha Blackburn
2 part class: take one or both of these classes
Part 1: Understanding Tarot Spreads and
Part 2 : Creating your own tarot spread
Land Stewardship – CoyoteSkyWoman and Rev. Robert Nolan
What drives people to watch over sections of the land, often buying and living in an area for the rest of their lives? What calls people to make agreements with local land deities and what are the costs and benefits of doing so? In various ways, many people have, throughout history, attempted to guard the land through magical means, often repelling both physical and metaphysical invaders. These efforts can take place on as small an area as one’s own house to areas the size of entire countries. During this dialogue, we will examine the ideas of land stewards, sovereignty, and guardianship and how these terms are used today.
Learning the Minor Arcana – SewMagical
Remembering the meanings of each Tarot card can seem overwhelming when you start. 56 cards in the Minor Arcana alone! How will you ever remember them all? Suppose there was a method where you only had to remember 2 pieces of information for each card? There is! This class will show you a method to learn all 56 cards by remembering 2 things about each card. This is a way to start learning the cards, that you can build on as you gain more experience.
Meeting the Morrigan: Goddess of battle and sovereignty- Stephanie Woodfield 
An exploration of the myths and faces of the Morrigan, goddess of magick, sovereignty and battle. Learn who this dynamic goddess was to the ancient Celts and how to connect with her in modern times.
Meno/Andropause: Embrace The Power- Dr. Claire Fitzpatrick
There are more women and men entering and living post meno/andropause than ever before in the history of mankind. What does that mean energetically for bodies and our World? Join Dr. Claire Fitzpatrick as she unravels just what is going on with you, how you can embrace your power, and natural steps you can take to nourish your body and your sex life as you undergo “The Change.”
Modern Day Oil Apothecary – Colleen McCartney
Find a simple, healthier, and cheaper solution for more effective health care. Modern day medicine tends to only treat the symptoms and often just mask symptoms. Prescription drugs are made from isolated synthetic agents designed to mimic natural substances. All drugs have side effects and the misuse of prescription drugs has devastating consequences. Nature’s medicine helps support the body by minimizing symptoms and addressing root causes. One of the most effective forms of natural medicine are essential oils. Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in plants. They are essential to the life of the plant and to the life of people on our planet. Plants are used in many different ways for helping and healing others but the most concentrated way to use them is in the form of essential oils. Essential oils are used safely and without harmful side effects. Another benefit is that they cost pennies per dose. They also can be administered in the comfort of your own home, reducing trips to the doctor, exposure to other illnesses, and co-pays. Empower yourself by the information given in this workshop, and learn to take control of your own life and treat simple ailments at home – and prevent sicknesses from even happening. Replace your medicine cabinet with healthier alternatives, and reduce your overall chemical load. Effective from everything including headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, digestive problems, cramps, all the way to anxiety, depression, PTSD, and so much more.
Mystery of Labyrinths- Stephanie Seger
Labyrinths have been used in several different cultures throughout history as either a self reflective tool to help you discover yourself, or to connect to a higher source. Learn about some historical labyrinths, where labyrinths come from, the history behind them, and finally the psychology. Learn how to effectively use a labyrinth as a tool of self discovery, or to help analyze and reflect on problems in your life – and to help find solutions. Like the old Greek mythology – find the minotaur and find your center at the same time.
Norseworking- Jane Sibley
Norseworking: This is a high-energy circle in the Norse tradition, in which we may do healing, fertility magic, charging of major tools, experimental magic, distance work, and whatever else needs doing. Once the ritual begins, the room will be sealed, so please come on time, fed and rested, and pottied. Due to the high energies we will be working with, we will have grounding and tuneup for anyone (no matter their expertise) who has never been to a Norseworking before.
You MUST be able to ground and center to participate.
If you have a loved one who you’d like us to work on during the Norseworking, please contact them before we start to get permission for us to heal them.
Organic Parties…What? Why?- Dr. Claire Fitzpatrick
Metaphysical thinkers and energy workers are known for many things…and enjoying good food and drink are high on that list! Even so, we often debate the importance of choosing whole, local, and organic choices over conventional ones. Wine, Chocolate, Whiskey, Cheese, Coffee…is there really a difference that matters? Is it worth the cost and the bother to get them? More than you may know. Dr. Claire Fitzpatrick argues “yes” as she takes us on a delicious tour of organic party foods in New England and how choosing the right ingredients can literally make the choice between our ecstatic life and a not-so-ecstatic death.
Paganism in the Modern Age – CoyoteSkyWoman
While paganism is generally more acceptable a path to follow in the modern age, there are still some problems and issues that are faced by the modern pagan. What are the issues we encounter even in this enlightened age and how do we work around the often contradictory messages society is sending us. In an post-industrial world, how do we interpret the ideals from what was originally an agrarian society while living in cities and tighter, yet non communal towns? Bring your thoughts and ideas to this conversation!
Psychic Vampires- Raven Kaldera
What are psychic vampires, really? Are there different types? Can anyone become one, or are you born that way? How can you protect yourself, and what do you do if you think you might be one? How does psychic vampirism fit into energy work, and is it good for anything? We’ll discuss the answers to these questions, and more. Please have some familiarity with the concept of “energy work”, or you may be somewhat bewildered. By the author of “The Ethical Psychic Vampire”.
Physical Techniques of Spiritual Development- Joshua Tenpenny
Many spiritual traditions see the body and the material world as obstacles to spiritual development, but the techniques of Hatha Yoga and Tantra have shown that when approached correctly, the body can be a powerful tool for spiritual development and that the experiences of the material world provide a valuable forum for spiritual exploration. This workshop will discuss various tools for doing this, methods of integrating them into your existing spiritual practices, and the spiritual importance of being in right relationship with your body.
*Reiki Level II – Maryalyce Merrit
3 hours (2- 90 minute sessions- limit 15)- Note: there is no extra charge for this class, however please click here to insure your space.
Prerequisite: Students must have already completed Reiki Level I training, and have received the Level I attunements. All students that sign up for Level II class are required to be able to offer proof of this and be able to tell me their lineage. You may arrange in advance by fax, scan, email, or snail-mail me a copy of your Reiki I Certificate or other acceptable proof.
The Level II Attunement will be given. Cho ku rei & Sei he ki symbols will be explained and given. Students will be taught the proper hand placements to heal others when they are present. We will work on each other to become comfortable with this energy and to gain confidence. Students will also be taught a 20 minute healing for “treat ‘em & street ‘em” Reiki opportunities should they arise.
In the second session, distance healing for individuals will be taught. The symbol of Hon sha ze sho nen will be given. Please come to this class with the name of and permission of an individual that you know that would like to be sent Reiki healing over a distance. Students will receive a set of written materials for this class, and upon completion will earn certification for Reiki II. Suggested materials: A set of chakra crystals (available for sale at Akasha’s Journey), and a pen & paper to take notes.
We strongly recommend that this class also participate in the Healing Practice Session.
Reiki Level III – Maryalyce Merrit 
Master Teacher, Distance Healing Grids, How to Teach & Attune Others
3 hours (2- 90 minute sessions- limit 15) Note: there is no extra charge for this class, however please click here to reserve your space in the class.
Prerequisites: Completion & proof of having been attuned to & taught Level I & II Reiki. Please see applicable forms of proof stated above. Reiki II available Saturday.
Students will be taught the Reiki Masters Symbol, Dia ko myo. The Masters Attunement will be given. Students will learn how to prepare and charge distance healing grids for groups of recipients. (Reiki crystal sets will be available for sale at Akasha’s Journey) They will also learn how to teach others Reiki, and most importantly how to attune.
Students will receive a Reiki grid, a set of written materials, and upon completion will earn certification of Reiki Master.
Materials: Students will be required to have a set of Reiki grid crystals. I will have them available for purchase at Akasha’s Journey. It is also suggested that students bring a pen & paper to take notes.
Runes: the Elder Futhark/Anglo-Saxon/Frisian Futharks – Jane Sibley
The Elder Futhark and Anglo-Saxon futhark. From the origin(s) of runes to the early Viking period, these characters have not only been used for mundane purposes (business correspondance and shipping labels, indicating ownership of jewelry etc.) but also for magic. We will explore both angles in this class, as well as the origins and meanings of the individual runes themselves. The Anglo-Saxon/Frisian runes were primarily derived from the Scandinavian-Continental Germanic Elder Futhark. These have the earliest documented rune names, and perhaps the widest variety in rune numbers and forms. We will also explore St. Boniface’s Letters and other early rune codes.
1.5 hours no prereq, bring paper and pencil
Runes: the Younger Futhark – Jane Sibley
In the late Vendel or early Viking period, the rune row was condensed to a 16-character array from the earlier 24-rune Elder Futhark. We will look at not only rune names/meanings, but also dotted runes, “short-twig runes, “Norse code”, magic, and mundane usage.
1.5 hours no prereq, bring paper and pencil
RunValdr, Introduction and Attunement- Tchipakkan
This is a system of energy healing using Runes andanother set of symbols given to Rodney Cox by Odin and Freya. This workshop introduces the symbols and what each of them is used for, and includes the attunement. It does NOT include introduction to runes. You may take this workshop without knowing the runes, but you will need to learn them to be able to use this system. RúnValdr has similarities to Reiki, but can be used for healing from migraines to ADD, making magickal objects, astral travel, channeling energies, and more. You will be able to use this technique immediately. (class limit 12- if more are interested, we’ll repeat this workshop) I strongly recommend that paricipants in this class also participate in the Healing Practice Session.
RunValdr, more techniques and practice – Tchipakkan
In this workshop we will practice various techniques, both for healing as well as other things like attunements, awakening and creating magical objects, and more. I’ve found that when you have practiced, you are more likely to continue using it- you know it works. If you have an object you wish to turn into an “awakened” or magical object, please bring it. If you have someone you wish to practice doing distance healing on, please get their permission before the workshop. We strongly recommend that you also participate in the Healing Practice Session. There’s nothing so convincing that this technique works than seeing yourself do it.
Sacred Geometry – Redux- Ariel M. Sirocco
Since offering this class several years ago, the scientific world has gone through a revolution of ideas and experiments that suggest “Sacred Geometry” actually plays a much stronger role in creating reality than even I had previously thought. This updated session will introduce the ancient magi and philosophers who first used geometry to communicate with the Divine and includes new scientific findings that support your own journey of contemplation and self-discovery. Create a spiritual relationship with the world of forms and use of sacred geometry as a spiritual language. PowerPoint presentation.
Saints Alive: Catholic Roots and Christian Folk Magic – Lori-Ann Locke
The countless hours that our grandmothers spent on rosaries, novenas and devotions to saints forged deep pathways to Spirit that are our legacy. We’ll discuss how to access and utilize these pathways to deepen our spiritual practice and improve the efficacy of our magical workings.
The presenter was raised within an Irish-Catholic family and grew up during the pre-Vatican II era in a neighborhood that was largely made up of immigrant Italian Catholics. After leaving Catholicism and spending decades exploring other paths, some of us come to feel that we threw the baby out with the bath water and regret that we did not find a way to move beyond Catholicism without rejecting the power of its ancestral connections and the beauty and efficacy of some of its spiritual practices. It’s a shame that so many of us rejected the wisdom and spiritual power of our elders because we didn’t like the package it is wrapped in. The countless hours that our grandmothers spent on rosaries, novenas and devotions to saints forged deep pathways to Spirit that are our legacy. We’ll discuss how to access and utilize these pathways to deepen our spiritual practice and improve the efficacy of our magical workings. We’ll briefly touch on the intriguing history and ongoing evolution of Folk Magic in America, but the primary focus will be on the practice of Catholic Folk Magic from the point of view of the presenter. A Catholic folk magic altar will be set up and there will be time for questions and answers. Please note that Catholic history and doctrine will NOT be discussed.
Sanity for Mages- Brian Chabot
This workshop will be in the form of a round table discussion about how to remain sane while dealing with magickal practices.
Because, sometimes we need a little help from our friends when we start messing around with the fabric of the universe.There are some practical techniques we have each picked up that will help us keep perspective, heath and mental balance: little things like sleeping, eating and hydrating properly, meditation and other tips. Come share yours, and learn.
Secrets of the Druids – Ellen Evert Hopman
Spend a few days with author and Druid Priestess Ellen Evert Hopman. Learn the Druidic Wheel of the Year. Do guided meditations, communicate with Tree Spirits, and experience a little Druid Magic. We will go outside to commune with live trees so bring good shoes!
12 and over. Must be able to sit quietly for 20 minutes, and walk outside on rough terrain.
Shamanic Astrology- Raven Kaldera
Astrology is a tool not only of divination, but of spiritual understanding….but far too often, novice astrologers get swamped and confused by all those abstract symbols, strange jargon, and shallow “cookbook” descriptions. That’s the “scientific” way to learn astrology….this workshop will talk about the shamanic way to learn it, which is all about understanding the myths and stories that the cosmic clock has to tell us, and how to work with them to change your life. By the author of “MythAstrology”.
Social Media and US -Taliesin aka Thor Halvorsen
Social Media and US: This workshop will discuss the issues of Social media in our lives, of the privacy verses public acknowledgement of being “out of the broom closet”, how while it networks groups and individuals together, it also presents unique issues. Where do we draw the line between our religious roles, and our individual roles in relation to online activities? What strategies do we employ to allow us to be available to be found, yet not exposed to those who we would not rather have knowing of our pathwork?
The Solar Feminine: Rekindle the lost side of the Goddess- Stephanie Woodfield
We have been taught to think of the moon as feminine and the sun masculine. But to might surprising to know that our ancestors saw the sun as a Goddess in many cultures across the globe. Discover how this face of the Goddess differs from her lunar counterpart, and how to draw her energy into our lives.
Spirits of the Otherworld, Spirits of the Land- Morgan Daimler
This class will focus on connecting to and communicating with Otherworldy spirits that exist or live within our world as well as land spirits and the spirits of places and objects. Spirits are all around and it is important to be able to recognize their presence and be able to establish basic communication with them. Participants will be encouraged to try reading the spirits of several example objects as well as of place, and different methods will be discussed. 1 hour
The Stone Circle Oracle: Birth of an Oracle Deck- Sophia Kelly Shultz
How do Oracle and Tarot decks happen? Explore the process and work that goes into creating a divination deck. We’ll cover topics such as pitching a project, the development of ideas and artwork, reproduction of artwork, working with an editor and marketing.
Stories, Stones and Supersitions –Roxie J Zwicker 
Stories, Stones and Superstitions of New England Series Take a virtual tour direct from the pages of Roxie’s books on New England’s legendary graveyards. This presentation features intriguing burial grounds from the woods of Connecticut, the farm fields of Western Massachusetts, the mountains of New Hampshire and the shores of Maine. Learn about Colonial burial customs and beliefs and the ghost stories from some of the most beautiful and some long forgotten cemeteries in the northeast. Learn the symbolism and stories behind some of New England’s oldest gravestones. Highlighted with gorgeous photography this is one of Roxie’s most popular presentations. 1.5 hr
Strength Journey- Lady AMber Dawn
Strength class- Are you seducing the lion or has He seduced you? Do you have what it takes to be strong without losing yourself in the process? In this class-we will explore the Tarot card: Strength by participating in a guided meditation into the card. Where we will meet the lass and the lion together and listen to the message they may have to share with us as well as the message we may give to them. Afterwards, we will discuss our unique journeys. Class Level-Intermediate Knowledge of guided meditations helpful Knowledge of the use of a Magick mirror helpful Knowledge of grounding, centering and releasing is important No material fee Please bring your own favorite Strength Tarot card and a small Magick mirror 2 hour class 1 to 1.5 hours pre-req.: Knowledge of Tarot cards
“Trash Talk”: Garbology 101 – Katie LaFond
As Pagans, we celebrate the Sacred Earth. Where does our trash go when we “throw it away?” Where is “away?” We make choices every day about what we choose to buy, and how we choose to throw things away. Let’s get down and dirty, talking trash, composting, recycling, reusing, “upcycling,” and not buying things with lots of packaging in the first place! Come prepared to “trash” your outdated perspectives.
Understanding Tarot Spreads- Sha Blackburn
Part 1 of The Labyrinth of the Tarot: Understanding and Creating Tarot Spreads:
Understanding Tarot Spreads – We will pick apart the Celtic Cross Spread and some other tarot spreads to examine how the cards speak to each other in the spread, and how the shape of the spread can shape the way the spread helps to create a specific type of reading.
Using Palmistry to Aid in Relationship Communication – Adam Latin
Have you ever said to yourself “why can’t that person just listen to what I am trying to say?” Truthfully, I have found the answer is often “No” they can’t. The most significant reason I have found for this is people are not speaking to the listener in the listener’s language. This class will teach you some of the palm lines that will identify each person’s style of language. I will also be sharing ideas on how to communicate better with someone who’s language style is different than yours. We will only be covering lines that directly or indirectly effect communication.
Voice And Runes In Northern Healing Magic- Raven Kaldera
In Northern Tradition shamanism, the voice is the main tool of moving sound. In this workshop we’ll learn about the technique that we call galdr, moving chi with the voice the way that martial artists move it with their bodies. We’ll focus on the healing uses of the runes, and learn to galdr them into each other’s bodies; we’ll also discuss the role of drumbeats, herbal charms, and acupuncture points in this process. You don’t have to be a great singer, but you do have to be willing to open your mouth and make a lot of sound!
The World of Faery- Morgan Daimler
This lecture will discuss some of the mythology surrounding the Celtic Otherworld and its inhabitants. Specific examples will be given from folklore both of human experiences in the Otherworld and interactions between Otherworldly beings, commonly called “faeries”, and people in this world. Celtic mythology is rich with stories of people blessed or cursed by their interaction with these beings; by studying these stories – old and new – we can learn how to enrich our own spirituality, safely and with respect to them. We will discuss proper etiquette for dealing with faeries, how to create a faery altar, and appropriate offerings to make for them. 90 min
Voice And Runes In Northern Healing Magic- Raven Kaldera
In Northern Tradition shamanism, the voice is the main tool of moving sound. In this workshop we’ll learn about the technique that we call galdr, moving chi with the voice the way that martial artists move it with their bodies. We’ll focus on the healing uses of the runes, and learn to galdr them into each other’s bodies; we’ll also discuss the role of drumbeats, herbal charms, and acupuncture points in this process. You don’t have to be a great singer, but you do have to be willing to open your mouth and make a lot of sound!
Younger Futharc- Jane Sibley
See description under Runes
Warding- Starwolf
Your home is your castle, and it’s good to protect it . Wards create firm energetic boundaries to keep good energy in, negative energy out, and make your space truly yours. A wide range of practical options with something for everyone, from just starting out to experienced