Ariel SiroccoAriel Sirocco is an Integrative Hermeticist following the Corpus Hermetica and related writings and a teacher of ancient Hermetic history and esoteric traditions.  He has taught at several esoteric conventions and countless private gatherings.  Ariel has an academic background in biology and 15 years with the American Museum of Natural History.

Ariel has been a practicing occultist since 1983.  He was initiated as a High Priest of the Minoan Temple, Inc. of New York in 1998 and The Temple of the Spiral Path-NYC in 2004. During this time, he realized that the scientific and the esoteric were two sides of a coin named “Ritual” and, thus, began his true calling: Hermetics.  This shift of perception would dominate his esoteric and mundane life to this very day.


He moved to Connecticut for several years where he started Coven Quiddity (2006).  It grew into the Akashic Temple (2009) and ran monthly meetings and a few major events during the year.  In 2007, he joined the Masonic fraternity and his attentiveness quickly raised him through the ranks reaching Master Mason in 2008.  In 2012, he became a 32-Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Washington Council Princes of Jerusalem, Master of Ceremonies (2012-2013) of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Bridgeport, Ct.  In 2017, Ariel became the Worshipful Master of Union Lodge No.5 in Stamford, Ct.

During this time, his passion with Hermetics led him to reach out across the United States and abroad to Amsterdam, NE in search of Elders.  He found his teachers on the West Coast – in California.  In 2015, Ariel was granted an encampment charter (an international Solomonic-Hermetic Order) for: “New Alexandria-NYC.”

It is Ariel’s belief that this “New Age of Esotericism” deserves academic exploration without sacrosanct or circular defenses.  If this does not happen, the entire family of “pagan and esoteric traditions” will fall into disrepair, ill repute, and eventually dismissed as merely fanciful.


We must take our own theology out of infancy, pass the fantastic, and into the reality of the truly unbelievable where fact is always stranger than fiction.


Past Classes: (all classes are at least 90 minutes) Contact at:

Some, but not all, of these classes have been offered in prior years at Changing Times, Changing Worlds.

Class Title

  • Alchemy: History of the Stone
  • Candle Magick
  • The Chaldean Oracles: Who, What, Where, and Why
  • The Chaldean Oracles: Hecate
  • The Chakras: for Novices
  • Elemental: Air
  • Elemental: Crystal Mediation
  • Elemental: Fire
  • Elemental: Water
  • Elemental Callings of Solomon: Ritual and Hermetic
  • Elements of Ritual
  • Eros and Thanatos
  • Frequency Lecture: Schumann, Frequencies, and Energy healing
  • The Hermetic Creation Myth
  • Heretical Witchcraft: Roots and Fruit
  • Iconography and the Masonic Temple (Greek and Roman Symbols)
  • Lugh, Lughnasadh, and Lunatics: Irish and Roman Perspectives
  • Manifestation 101
  • The Measure of Magick: Sacred Geometry, 101
  • The OCR: Observer Created Reality (Quantum and Perception)
  • Mid-Summer Magic!
  • The Nature of Magick: Intention and Will
  • Personal Protection, Level One
  • The Primacy of Paganism: Historical Hermetics in Egypt and the Near East,
  • Pseudo-Dionysius and 10 Letters (Interpreting Pagan History)
  • Sacred Sexuality and Sex Magick
  • The Seven: Astrological and Alchemical Sisters
  • Symbolism 101: Creating Change
  • The 36 and Divine Creation!
  • Which Witch is Which? And, Witch are You?






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