These are the speakers who have been confirmed for 2011, more coming all the time! Please check back (and check out their links)!
Lyrion ApTower –
The Granite Tower at The Covenstead – Wilton, NH
Lyrion ApTower is High Priestess of the (New Hampshire) Granite Tower and an accomplished ritualist who conducts all Rites of Passage for individuals and Covens throughout the New England area. Lyrion is also a Chaplain in the Universal Life Church and has been asked to act as guest minister for the Unitarian Congregationalist Society.
Lyrion and her husband/priest Raven ap Tower teach classes about Wicca, and are frequently invited to present the Wiccan worldview at ecumenical discussion panels as well as at civic / fraternal organizations in New England. Lyrion is on the Advisory Board for the Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge, NH and Garden Site Coordinator for the Pagan Garden at the Cathedral. For seven years they have taught a segment of the Psychology Department’s curriculum at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, NH.
Lyrion has published a collection of short stories, essays and poems about the Wiccan experience titled Passwords and Passages. Many of her short stories have been featured in magazines & calendars.
For over 17 years, Lyrion has practiced the art of Cleromancy, an ancient form of divination interpreting found objects which are cast on a specially prepared field. In addition, she is a continually learning herbalist who conducts Wildcrafting walks and healing “brews”. She has recently begun selling her healing herbs under the name of “Lyrion’s Local Wild & Fresh Seasonal Herbs”. Lyrion can be reached at
Bob Bestwick
Bob Bestwick was a military survival training instructor and an Army Ranger. He has studied martial arts and mountain climbing for many years, and had some interesting experiences in the mountains, which continued the spiritual experiences he’d had since the age of 4 (when he stayed out overnight and discovered that he had guides). As an adult he has been been taking training in the Mic-Maq way of his grandfather’s tribe.
Darrell Brann
Darrell Brann RPP RCST LMT is a classically trained musician and has studied many hands-on healing modalities. After a Near Death Experience, he began figuring out the harmonic structure of the body – a deep healing modality unseen on this plane of existence. It took him 12 years to complete. He speaks and teaches nationally.
Dr. Andrew Cort, DC, JD 
Dr. Andrew Cort, DC, JD, is an author, teacher, attorney, and doctor of chiropractic.
His books include: Symbols, Meaning, and the Sacred Quest: Spiritual Awakening in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Stories, Love, Wisdom and God, The American Psyche in Search of its Soul, From Joshua to Jesus, Our Healing Birthright, and The Song of Songs. Dr. Cort received his BA and MA from Colgate University. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from New York Chiropractic College, and his Law Degree from Boston College Law School. In addition to academic studies in literature, science, law, and mathematics, he has studied the work of many spiritual traditions — from the Bible, Plato, the Qur’an, Dante, and many others, to contemporary teachers including G.I. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky, Rudolf Steiner, Paul Brunton, Anthony Damiani, Sri Aurobindo, and Oscar Ichazo. Dr. Cort is the Host of Spirit of the Berkshires, a weekly Talk Show on CTSB-TV, which is also available on his website. He lives in the Berkshires in western Massachusetts , and can be reached at Visit me at
Seanara Coyote
Seanara is a Wiccan High Priestess who was initiated into Promethean Wicca and Welsh Traditionalist Wicca in 1978, receiving her third degree in both traditions by 1980. She has also studied Tarot with Geraldine Amaral, Joanna Powell Colbert, Jacqueline Lichtenberg and James Wanless.
Seanara was initiated into Promethean Wicca and Welsh Traditionalist Wicca in early 1978, receiving her third degree in both traditions by 1980. She later studied Peruvian-based core shamanic techniques with Irene R. Siegel, also learning directly from Ms. Siegel’s teacher, Alberto Villoldo. Through her Wiccan training and practice and her personal growth, Seanara evolved Western Transformational Wicca, an initiatory Path which centers around the journey from “wounded healer to healed healer” and whose main tenet is: “The primary purpose of magic is personal transformation.”
Seanara has written for Pagan publications since 1979, edited The Witches’ Annual in 1982 and 1983, and has taught at Pagan gatherings and metaphysical conferences since 1991. She is a Flamekeeper in Daughters of the Flame, an international organization honoring the Goddess (or Saint) Brighid, and a charter member of the Gaian Tarot Circle. Under her mundane/legal name, she holds a Masters’ degree in Social Work from Stony Brook University and an R-LCSW from the state of New York.
Visit Seanara on Tuesdays at Sacred Circle Books in Alexandria, VA, or email SeanaraCoyote *at*
Morgan Daimler
Morgan Daimler has been an Irish pagan since 1991. She is a membr of the Druid Order of the White Oak and helps to run an open women’s circle and a neo-pagan Witchcraft tradition in Connecticut. She has also studied the Norse pracice of seidhr and is the gythia of a small heathen kindred in Connecticut. Morgan recently published several books that re-paganize prayers and charms from the first two volumes of the Carmina Gadelica, and she has a strong interest in traditional magic and divinaion. She regularly teaches classes at Pandora’s Box in Norwich CT and has also taught a CT Pagan Pride Day and the Beltane Pagan Odyssy Festival, as well as performing public oracular seidhr sessions in Connecticut and Rhode Island.
Mike Dolan
Michael Dolan is a singer songwriter from New Hampshire. Pulling from
such diverse sources as folk, punk, 80’s pop and Celtic traditionals,
his performances are soulful and passionate, yet interspersed with an
irreverent humor and all the He has performed along the Eastern
seaboard for over 20 years, releasing three solo albums and forming the
Pagan rock band Featherscale. Their debut album “Gypsy Heart” was released
this August and has received widespread airplay on podcast and broadcast
shows alike.
Sean Donahue 
Sadly, Sean Donahue will not be able to join us this year
Sean Donahue is a traditional herbalist, poet, activist, and witch committed to healing and transformation through connection with the living Earth. As an herbalist, Sean works primarily with the wild plants of the forests and fields of New England. He views the plants as teachers, helping the body, mind, and spirit learn to correct imbalances that stand in the way of health. As a teacher, poet, and ritualist, Sean works to connect people with their own wild nature and with the life of the world around them. He believes that personal, community, and cultural healing are all deeply intertwined with the healing of our planet.
Rebecca deGraw, MA, BC-DMT
Dance/Movement Therapist, Diviner
Rebecca has been a practicing Dance/Movement Therapist for the last 21 years and a certified Laughter Yoga Leader more recently, using play, creativity and spontaneity as sources of healing, connection to spirit and community building. She has developed the class, Womb Wisdom Dance and Ritual, empowering women and men in creating sacred space to reclaim and heal the balance of feminine and masculine energies.
Rebecca is a Cloth Diviner and Kontomble Diviner in the West African Dagara tradition. She completed the 2-year training facilitated by Malidoma Some’, Alwyn Thomas and the East Coast Village Dagara Elders in Indigenous African Spiritual Technologies. She is a member of East Coast Village and participates in communal ritual work there and in the greater Boston area and is passionate about applying indigenous wisdom to her everyday life. Rebecca sees divination as a healing process and a reciprocal gift between Spirit, Diviner and Seeker that gently unfolds and reveals one’s true purpose and gifts.
Mike Dolan
Michael Dolan blends an odd assortment of folk, 80’s new wave, and Celtic traditionals into his own brand of acoustic rock. A founding member of Pagan rock band Featherscale, his music has been featured on radio and podcast shows worldwide, and he and his band have been featured performers at festivals from Maine to Virginia. He has released three solo albums, Sunshine, Imbolc and Ice, and Topaz Stars in a Violet Sky. His latest, and finest effort with Featherscale, Gypsy Heart, was released this summer.
Kathleen Egbert n’Astarte
Kathleen Egbert n’Astarte has felt a calling to the priesthood since high school. She attended a Catholic (Roman) high school and upon informing a Priest of this was told girls couldn’t be priests; she could be a nun. Having seen the job of a nun vs. that of a priest, she wanted nothing to do with that!
After graduating high school she got married, in the Church. She went to college for a year, had a couple of children, got a divorce and an annulment. Then she acted upon some things she learned in religion classes: if you don’t believe it’s a sin, it isn’t and without accepting Jesus as your savior you can’t go to heaven. So,” I don’t believe it’s a sin to leave the Church, and I accept Jesus as … Jesus, can’t quite go the savior part; if the Dali Lama can’t go and Tony Soprano can, I’m not sure heaven is all that great.” She started reading, picked up classes where she could, and came to Paganism at about the same time as her mother and co-Priestess, “in two different places together.” Rosemary is now in the Summerlands with Dad.
After being asked to teach, she pushed Rosemary Kooiman into doing something with the Nomadic Chantry of the Gramarye, and it began. At its most active the Nomadic Chantry of the Gramarye (NCG) had courses of education, ordained, “married and buried,” and was very active in the Washington, DC (WDC) Pagan community. NCG sponsored the Harvest Moon on the Mall at the Jefferson Memorial in DC, and either cosponsored or was one of the sponsors for Ecumenicon, Pagan Pride Day, BBMMDC, and others. NCG also held instructional weekends. NCG also held open celebrations on the full moon every month and celebrated the eight Sabbats ‘by invitation.’
At the time of Rosemary’s death, NCG was in ebb, so Kathleen succumbed to depression with abandon. It’s time to come out of it now. Here I am.
Lois Fitzpatrick – SewMagical
(SewMagical) Lois Fitzpatrick is currently in charge of the SCA’s East Kingdom Soothsayers Guild. She has taught at many venues, including Lunacon, Etheracon, Esotericon, and others.
Carol Gader
Carol Gader has been a member of the American Society of Dowsers for about 30 years. She has taught in the ‘Basic Dowsing’ classes and lectured at the ASD National Dowsers Convention for about 15 years. She has also taught classes to individuals and groups throughout MA, VT, RI, FL and NH. Carol was one of the founders and past president of the Living Waters Dowsing Chapter (Southern VT & NH). As one of the Trustees for ASD, Carol is Chairman of the Membership Committee, and is now teaching the ‘Intermediate Dowsing’ class at the ASD National Convention. She has dowsed many wells, gardens, lost people and items, and has used her dowsing skills to help people to better health.
Carol has written several books including ‘The New Human’ and ‘Dowsing Your Health’ and is working on 2 others.
Carol majored in Home Ec. and Nutrition at UNH and has taken many classes from medical doctors. She is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher, an Aroma Therapist, and has studied Energy Healing and Touch for Health. She taught 11 years in the public school system, was co-director of Camp Coniston, YMCA with her husband, and for four years was the NH coordinator for “Educational Foundation”, a foreign exchange program for high school students.
In l978, Carol started Gader Family Assoc. a health and wellness business, which she still does today.
Carol is married with 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren.
The key to her success is her enthusiasm, love of life, helping others to a healthier lifestyle, and teaching every one she meets how to dowse.
Rachel Ginther – Garden of One
Rachel Ginther, Alchemist, FSE and Co-Creator of the Garden of One Vibrational Products has been making Essences since 1994. She has traveled extensively worldwide and brings a background of Sacred Living to all she does through teaching/sharing wisdom, writing, consulting and producing the 500+ Garden of One Vibrational Products which activate the healing potential and accelerate your personal and spiritual growth. Mysts, Baths, Essences, Energy Peels and more are available to help you on your journey. In addition, Rachel provides fertile ground and sanctuary for those seeking personal and spiritual evolution through her organic farm and green, wholistic retreat and healing center, The Garden at Thunder Hill ~ A Center for Spiritual Evolution.
Ellen Evert Hopman
Ellen Evert Hopman has been a teacher of Herbalism since 1983 and is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild. She is a member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages and has been a professor at the Grey School of Wizardry. She has presented across the USA and in Europe.
Ellen has been a Druid initiate since 1984 in several Druid Orders. She is a founding member of The Order of the White Oak (Ord Na Darach Gile, ) and its former Co-Chief, a Bard of the Gorsedd of Caer Abiri, and a Druidess of the Druid Clan of Dana. She was Vice President of The Henge of Keltria for nine years and has been a
member of The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and of Ár nDraíocht Féin (ADF). She is co-creator of the Virtual Shrine of the Goddess Brighid (
Fiction: Priestess of the Forest: A Druid Journey (Llewellyn, February 2008), The Druid Isle (Llewellyn, April 2010) and Priestess of the Fire Temple: A Druid’s Tale (Llewellyn, March 2012)
Non-Fiction: Scottish Herbs and Fairy Lore (Pendraig Publishing, June 21, 2011), A Druid’s Herbal for Sacred Tree Medicine (Inner Traditions – Bear and Company, June 2008), Making Kitchen Medicines – A Practical Guide (soon to be re-published) Being a Pagan: Druids, Wiccans, and Witches Today (Destiny Books, 2001), Walking the World in Wonder – A Children’s Herbal (Healing Arts Press, 2000), A Druid’s Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year (Destiny Books, 1994) , and Tree Medicine -Tree Magic (Phoenix Publishing,Inc., 1992), People of the Earth: The New Pagans Speak Out (Inner Traditions, 1995).
Friend Honour Horne-Jaruk
Honour Horne-Jaruk recieved a contientious objectors discharge from the US Army after coming to Quakerism as a “convincement friend” (adult convert). She has had thirty years experience as a Quaker and a pagan, and has done far too much research into the history and practice of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). She has been the recipient of and participant in many a Meeting for Worship Called for Attention to Healing, and is convinced of the efficacy of the method.
Her education was in nursing, and historical re-enacting. Other “bad habits” include nearly 40 years in the SCA, extensive knowledge of allergies, gluten casien intollerance and other special needs. She is also ably heading our Hospitality Suite with special attention to those with special dietary needs.
Raven Kaldera
Raven Kaldera is a Northern Tradition shaman, intersex/transgender FTM activist, erotica educator, Ordeal Master, Speaker for the Transgendered Dead, homesteader, diviner, psychic vampire, herbalist, polyamorous parent, and author of many, many books, articles, and short stories. Raven is a builder of bridges between worlds, a crosser of boundaries between communities, a Reweaver of the Web. He is the Dreamer Whose Dreams Come True. ‘Tis an ill wind that blows no minds.
Catherine Kane
Catherine Kane is a professional psychic, a Reiki Master, a bard, a metaphysical Christian, and a delighted student of the Universe (amongst other things). She brings creativity, an eclectic body of knowledge, and an attitude of fun to empowering people to find and live their best and brightest dreams. Her writing has been seen in magazines such as Thorn, the Door Opener, and Helix; and she is the author of “Adventures in Palmistry” and “The Practical Empath”. Visit her and husband Starwolf online as Foresight (the Information you need for the Adventure of Life) at and
Dave and Riki Kane
We are Dave and Riki from Peterborough Ontario.
My background has been technical and mechanical with a significant history of problem solving in those fields. I have several inventions to my credit as well, mostly along the lines of composite ventures, production process improvements etc. I have been putting pieces together all my life.
Riki has been psychic since childhood and is also an ordained minister. She provides a critical aspect to our research material on the subject is somewhat limited. As we are working on the leading of ORMUS dowsing becomes a critical tool sometimes. The answers provided by Riki has in many cases allowed research to continue with confirmations coming after the fact.
As we worked with the Ormus materials we found that they were moved, pushed, corrupted by the exposure to elecromagnetic fields and magnetic fields and to that end we dicovered that this influance on the natural Ormus materials was contributing to almost all of the chronic diseases.
Our talks are about the nature and behavior of the ormus materials and how this increasing electromagnetic influence can be dealt with. We try to create awareness and provide reasonable solutions with workshops on how to make ormus at home and how to educate yourself toward improving your personal situation. Awareness is the first step and this brings results very quickly and positively. Love and Life Dave and Riki <>
Onna Kelley
Kelly is a long time Dowser and Reiki Master who works with sound as a healing modality.
Ron Kolek 
Ron Kolek is the founder and lead investigator of The New England Ghost Project. With a degree in Environmental Science, he was the ultimate skeptic. However, a near death experience changed all that. No longer blinded by his skepticism, he now uses scientific background to seek the truth about the paranormal.
In addition to hosting Ghost Chronicles on Ghostvillage Radio, iTunes, and Podcast Alley, he also hosts Ghost Chronicles Live and Ghost Chronicles International on Toginet and Para-x Radio. He previously hosted a weekly radio show on 1490 AM WCCM in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and has authored the acclaimed book Ghost Chronicles with his co-host Maureen Wood. He has also contributed to several books including, Picture Yourself Ghost Hunting, The Encyclopedia of Haunted Places, What is a Ghost?, Ghosts from Coast to Coast, and several others.?
Ron and his group have been featured on all of the major New England television channels including WBZ CBS 4, WHDH Channel 7, WCVB Channel 5, WMUR Channel 9, WNDS Channel 50, The Fox Morning Show, and others. His exploits have been documented in many newspapers and magazine article including Woman’s World. He has been a guest on several radio stations and is internationally known with features in the U.K., Germany, and China.
For additional information, visit:
Galina Krasskova
Heathen author Galina Krasskova has been a priest of Odin and Loki for close to twenty years. Originally ordained in the Fellowship of Isis in 1995, Ms. Krasskova also attended the oldest interfaith seminary in the U.S. – the New Seminary where she was ordained in 2000. She continues as a guest lecturer and mentor at the New Seminary, and is part of a team of ministers for the Interfaith Fellowship in NYC. She is the founder of Urdabrunnr Kindred (NY), a member of Ironwood Kindred (MA), Asatru in Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), the First Kingdom Church of Asphodel (MA), the American Academy of Religion, and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. She has been a state contracted expert on the Asatru faith, and is currently involved in prison ministry. Additionally, she took vows as a Heathen gythia in 1996 and again in 2004.
Ms. Krasskova holds diplomas from The New Seminary (2000), a B.A. in Religious Studies from Empire State College (2007), and an M.A. in Religious Studies from New York University (2009). She is currently pursuing a second Masters degree prior to taking a PhD in Classics. She is the author of several books including “Exploring the Northern Tradition,” “Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner,” and “Runes: Theory and Practice.” An experienced diviner and ordeal master, her primary interest is in devotional work and the reconstruction of Northern Tradition shamanism. She has a long standing interest in occult work and over the years has helped many people train their psychic abilities. She may be contacted at
Christopher LaFond
Christopher LaFond is a Master Astrologer in the Society of Astrologers, and works, teaches, and lectures throughout the Eastern USA. He has lectured at local, national and international astrology conventions. He specializes in classical and medieval astrological method of prediction and is available for private readings and for private or group classes. As a performer on harp and guitar, Chris both delights and rouses the spirit with a mix of traditional and modern Celtic music. Jigs, reels, airs, ballads and folks songs reconnect us both to Celtic heritage and to the Earth. Chris performs on Cape Cod as part of the Pilgrim Celtic Harp Trio, whose CD “Garden Concert” is available from Chris or at; he mainly performs solo at pagan and folk events throughout the region. Chris is the music director of MotherTongue, the ritual performance troupe of the EarthSpirit community. Their CDs are also available through Chris or at (astrology) (harp)
Adam Latin
My name is Adam Latin. I have been a healing/helping professional since 2001. I am a licensed massage therapist, Reiki Master, intuitive, mystic and teacher. In my intuitive practice I primarily use palms and cards. I have studied with a wide range of spiritual and metaphysical teachers. I have explored Hinduism, Native American traditions, astrology, buddhism, shamanism, crystal healing, sound healing, meditation, Wicca, channeling, mediumship, psychometry, Kabbalah and various other techniques. My knowledge comes primarily from people rather than books. As I was taught by individual people. I also teach my knowledge to others.
The Clearest “U” 860-805-0482
Tamar Linsay 
I have studied active meditation since the mid-1970s.”Eclectic, vaguely Buddhist” is about the closest description of my path. I’m an aspiring mystic and a member of a mystery school. I have taught basic sacred geometry, labyrinth history and folklore, and labyrinth walking at Ecumenicon, ConVocation, and at various meditation retreats.
Maryalyce Merritt
“She changes everything she touches and everything she touches changes” Maryalyce (aka Akasha’s Heart) has been practicing witchcraft and the magickal arts since 1994. She is an ordained minister, priestess, ritualist, writer, teacher, and healer. She is a member of the Hands On Trade Association, is a Reiki Master Instructor and Practitioner, Advanced Level IET Practitioner, Run Valdr Instructor and Practitioner, and teacher of such things like reading Tarot and Medicine Cards, Introduction to Wicca, Introduction to Witchcraft, Witch-Crafting (making magickal tools), How to Organize/Construct/Lead Rituals, and others. With her passion for just about all things esoteric, metaphysical, astrological, and deeply spiritual, she decided to follow her soul’s journey to feed, educate, and empower the world community. This may be in the form of oracle readings for seekers, healing sessions, healing circles, or Reiki instruction among others. As a dog lover, she extends this healing to not only dogs, but other animals and familiars as well. Maryalyce is an ABCDT Certified Dog Trainer, and she and her rescued dog, Cody, are a registered Delta Society Pet Partner therapy team. Akasha’s Journey has evolved from the same passion for magickal living and crafting tools and items for people and their pets to assist them on their own journeys. Part of Maryalyce’s dream is to make healing & learning how to heal accessible to the community and the people who truly desire it, and of course, the beautiful animals who cannot ask for it themselves.
Come visit me and begin your transformation. The joy is in the journey.
Deb Miller
Deb Miller, as professional Psychic, Spirit Medium, focusses her efforts on reminding people that we are anything but alone, that we are more the same than different regardless of race, age, gender, income, neighborhood, family size, sexual orientation, appearance, spiritual beliefs, etc. – and to empower people to develop the inner confidence that we all have a connection to spirit and innate intuition that is truly each of our 6th sense to claim – knowing that collectively we are stronger and more.
She does this internationally through psychic and spirit readings via sessions, classes and presentations that may also include animal communication and medical intuition, She’s ordained as an Interfaith Minister and uses this in spiritual counseling. Also certified in hypnosis, reiki, and teaching, a former nurse, published writer, artist, and a tv producer – she combines it all with her multi-generation family teachings where conversations about auras, spirit visits and such were as natural as swingsets and learning how to make Mama’s chicken cacciatore.
“Our lives are complicated and full of challenges, no matter how our circumstances or pasts seem to differ, and the expected and un-expected have us continually re-evaluating and re-defining inside and out. I offer myself to you with rich and varied experience and with a connected heart, to help you realize your own paths and increase your own sense of self, healing, and belonging.”
Trent Millet
Aime “Trent” Millet a lay researcher of various bio-therapies: focusing on sound/frequency and water (especially as bio/life related)
Trent has spent hundreds of hours recording and absorbing information from a wide variety of science and esoteric conferences.
Trent has been a speaker/facilitator at ASD national conferences and local chapters. He has doing 1 to 3-day workshops through out the country. He has also taught for theFielding Institute. Ph. D. Program.
Bio He holds a certificate in-Harmonics . He has taught and does workshops including “Radionics and Conscious Healing”, “Awareness and Interconnection”, “Water health andintentional healing”
Trent’s tours focus around mineral/thermal/natural water healing. After experiencing the healing and seemingly miraculous benefits of those waters.
Trent is the developer of the “Hydro-phonic” bathing system, combining sound and water. This system uses water as a transfer medium for frequencies resonating at body, organ and cellular levels.
Larry Obern 
Larry Obern is a third generation Family Traditionalist. He has worked with Ecumenicon as a teacher for several years. He was ordained as a priest by the following Organizations: ULC, Nomadic Chantry of the Gramarye, and Ecumenicon Fellowship. He continues his clergy under the auspices of the ULC, and Nomadic chantry of the Gramarye. He has taught basic level classes, as well as the more advanced forms of the same classes. He offers a wide variety of classes usually at each conference he attends, and allows the Organizers to fit his classes into their Conference.
Ron Oplinus
Ron is a recovering Electrical Engineer who entered the alternative medicine field as an offshoot of his search for something to stop the progression of the Multiple Sclerosis that was destroying his ability to walk. He became a Certified Practioner of Matrix Energetics as well as a teacher/practioner of Organ Regeneration Through Consciousness, a self-healing/healing methodology developed by a team of Russian scientists/healers. Ron has extensive experience in transforming the body/mind/spirit of clients from pain and disfunction to ones of wellness.
The Order of Selohaar 

Christian Henry Tobler
Christian Henry Tobler has been a longtime student of swordsmanship, especially as it applies to the pursuit of the chivalric ideals. A passionate advocate of the medieval Liechtenauer School, he is an important contributor to the community of Western martial artists. Sir Christian is the Grand Master of the Order of Selohaar, an eclectic, mystic order of chivalry that he co-founded in 1979. A veteran of 20 years of tournament fighting, he is also an avid collector of reproduction arms and armour. He has been focused on the study of medieval fechtbücher (fight books) since the late 1990’s. He has taught classes at the St. George Swordplay Symposium, and the Western Martial Arts Workshops, appeared as a guest on “The Exchange”, and has traveled the United States teaching weekend long seminars. He has also lectured at the 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He’s on the Advisory Board of Swordplay Symposium International. His books include Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship: Sigmund Ringeck’s Commentaries on Johannes Liechtenauer’s Verse, and Fighting with the German Longsword His most recent work is In the Service of the Duke.
Rob Kelly has been a practicing martial artist for twenty years. His experience includes Tae Kwon Do, Ground Fighting and Filipino Martial Arts before coming to Western Martial Arts/ Historical European Martial Arts through the Selohaar Fechtschule. Rob has trained under the world-famous author and martial artist, Christian Henry Tobler, for the past six years.
Christopher Valli is a longtime student of martial arts. After ten years of training in Kung Fu under grandmaster Hu Jianqiang, Chris attended a seminar on the German medieval dagger and fell in love. He has been training for the last five years under Christian Henry Tobler of the Selohaar Fechtschule and is currently producing and directing the school’s series of training DVDs.
Laura Patsouris RN
Laura was born in Miami to a Cuban immigrant family and a long line of mediums. She grew up surrounded by Afro-Cuban spiritual traditions that included intensive work with the ancestors and the dead. Laura has been working intently with her ancestors since the death of her beloved grandmother in 1980. Along the way she moved to New England, obtained degrees in History and Nursing and became a Reiki Master. She lives in Norwich, CT with her daughter and dogs and recently published “Weaving Memory: A Guide To Honoring The Ancestors”, a book about ancestor work. The book is available at Asphodel Press under specialty books.
Selina Rifkin
Selina Rifkin recognized she was Pagan in her late teens. She has been a solitary practitioner, but has also participated in many circles in several different traditions. Her spirituality is expressed through both her practice as a massage therapist, and as a martial artist and enjoys the dynamic tension between the two arts. She has been a massage therapist for twelve years, and is a certified Holistic Health Counselor. Selina has been studying Shaolin Kempo for fifteen years, Tai chi for eight years, and Hapkido for six years. She has black belts in both Kempo and Hapkido, and is a member of the National Rifle Association.
Gaia Rune
Gaia Rune has decades of experience as a past leader of a large coven and owner of several successful metaphysical businesses along the east coast. She has graciously decided to join her sister Shale Rune at CardCraeft. Adding to CardCraeft’s already well diverse healing and divining services Gaia Rune brings in her own 25-30yrs worth of Tarot and Playing Card readings to the table as well as adding her many years of metaphysical teaching and business experience.
Gaia Rune is currently a solitary eclectic witch, with her Reiki Master’s Teacher Certification she specializes in Tarot, Chakra Work, Reiki healings and Spiritual Teachings on subjects such as Chakra Workshops, Elemental Energy and Reiki Training. She also teaches courses on Ethics in the craft, Coven Professionalism and Small business development. For more information on CardCraeft services and Gaia Rune’s teaching schedule, please stop by her website:
Shale Rune
Shale Rune has over 25 years of esoteric reading experience from which she developed her business. CardCraeft with its diverse healing and divining service over the past decade has employed multiple reading techniques such as Tarot, Runes, Playing cards, Mahjong and Coins. These techniques were derived from years of practice, exploration and are based in part on the teachings of her father’s family style of card reading called, “The Tinker Style”.
The Tinker style focuses on large group readings where Shale openly reads for multiple clients simultaneously to create an atmosphere of fun and companionship thus allowing the readings to be enjoyed by all with limited waiting or lag time between readings.
Shale is also a well versed solitary eclectic witch, Reiki Master with a RunValdr attunement and business woman. She has taught several workshops on Tarot/Rune Divination and Magic at the South Eastern Massachusetts Pagan Pride Day and at local shops in the South Shore area. Shale was a presenter at last year’s CTCW Conference. Currently, has been facilitating Tarot Gatherings and assisting with a small Eclectic Circle. For more information on CardCraeft services and Shale Rune’s teaching schedule, please stop by her website:
Ukumbwa Sauti, M.Ed., initiated Dagara Elder
Ukumbwa is an initiated Elder in the West African Dagara tradition and is currently working as a diviner, numerologist, spiritual counselor, sound healer and speaker/presenter. He has been studying and practicing African, Native American and other cultural and spiritual traditional elements for over 25 years. Ukumbwa has deeply explored the African social, political and spiritual presence in the world through formal and informal academic study, political activism, social connection, educational work and community-building. Ukumbwa is also a teacher of higher education in the areas of cultural media studies and video production. He is resolute about the necessary critique of mass media, their use and content, which Ukumbwa asserts have all done deep harm to the ways we understand ourselves as humans, the naturo-spiritual world around us and our relationship to All That Is. Ukumbwa has completed the 2-year training facilitated by Malidoma Some’, Alwyn Thomas and the East Coast Village Dagara Elders in Indigenous African Spiritual Technologies, a powerful engagement and learning in ritual, community and Spirit. He is a member and Elder of East Coast Village and participates in communal ritual work there and in the greater Boston area. Ukumbwa also facilitates the Gatherings of Gratitude, monthly visits to Spirit in Nature in public places in and around Boston to give gratitude, sacred offerings and reciprocity to Spirit as an attempt to re-institute the traditional naturo-spiritual human relationship and to help bring us forward to a state of harmony and balance with Spirit, Nature and the Ancestors. Ukumbwa is doing active research on a book, entitled “Indigeny and Energetics”, engaging the human historical framework as a predominantly indigenous dynamic, hoping to bring light to the spiritual, material, cultural and political road back to the harmonious traditions that sustained human life on this earth since the dawn of our existence here. Some of his ideas can be found on his blog, For more information visit his website at
Imakhu Shekemet 

Mwt Nswt Kai Imakhu Shekemet Htp Maati, known to the world as Queen Mother Imakhu, uses her African spirituality and culture to build universal bridges of peace. Jersey born, Imakhu is a career visual/performing/literary artist. In concert, her powerful vocals, storytelling, and drumming have compelled audiences across the U.S. As the Elder High Priestess of AKERU Nu Afrakan Ministries, Queen Mother Imakhu works to heal Black families through the research, education and reclamation of African-centered cultural traditions.
Queen Mother Imakhu is the founder of AKERU MultiMedia, which produces her metaphysical podcast, NUBIA GODDESS RISING (found on iTunes), her motivational radio & TV show ASHE!, and produced her ebooks, COWRIE BLESSINGS BOOK: NU AFRAKAN WORDS OF WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING KEMETIC (EGYPTIAN) MAGICK. She is Bantu ngoma (water healer), and keeper of the sacred Kemetic Wise Woman (Rehu-t) traditions. She recently opened the online AKERU Nu Afrakan Mystery School. Imakhu is immortalized portraying the Queen of Cups in the contemporary tarot deck “Tarot of the Boroughs,” photographed in New York City.
Jane Sibley
Jane T. Sibley, Ph.D., is a traditional Norse practitioner and a specialist in Norse folklore and runes. She has taught at many Pagan events for decades, including at Rites of Spring, Feast of Lights, Twilight Covening, Beltane, Ecumenicon … the list goes on … and also hosts MithraCon, which focuses on Mithraism and other cults in the Roman Empire.
Her books, “Norse Mythology…According to Uncle Einar”, “The Hammer of the Smith”, and the recently-released “The Divine Thunderbolt: Missile of the Gods” are available in the dealers’ room and dealers’ row, along with her spices & seasoning blends, and teas.
Kathryn Smith 
Kathryn has been a student of the esoteric in various forms since the mid 1980’s, and began studying with R. J. Stewart in 1996. Since then she been exploring both the Western esoteric traditions and fairy lore. Having completed Stewart’s advanced teaching seminars in 2008, Kathryn is now authorized to teach workshops and classes based on his work. Under the pen name Kathryn Scannell, she has published several short stories and a novel through Torquere Press.
As a shaman, Witch, professional psychic, Reiki Master and metaphysical engineer, Starwolf brings a broad range of knowledge and experience to the fields of magick, metaphysics and spirituality. His practical approach to adapting traditional metaphysical elements to modern lifestyles pulls magick into the twenty-first century. You can find him and his wife Catherine online as Foresight (the Information you need for the Adventure of Life) at or
Skye Stephenson
Skye Stephenson grew up surrounded by individuals on the cutting edge of natural medicine and energetic healing in the United States and her father was one of the pioneers of Homeopathic medicine in the United States. She spent many years studying about and living in Latin America, where she connected with several spiritual traditions and healing practices rooted in Latin America. Skye has undertaken initiations in the Ifá tradition – in both Cuba and Brazil – and been involved with members of the Rastafari, Garifuna, and various Indian communities and nations.
The spirit of jade, and other members of the stone family, began to whisper to Skye about a decade ago. Surprised at first, she opened to the voices that have taught her so much. Through these meditations, she channeled much information. This information is the basis for both her writings – including a soon to be published novel The Spirits of Jade and a small practice in crystal healing. She is a certified Crystal Resonance Therapy (CRT) practioner who is developing her own type of crystal healing called LECORA.
She enjoys sharing with others how to connect and communicate with the stone family, and also her writing, which has been inspired by these “crystal connections.” For more information about Skye Stephenson’s books, writing and other activities, see
Juniper Talbot
Juniper Talbot has been a witch for over 25 years. She is an elder in Lenai Aine, a Celtic witchcraft coven, and has been a leader of Celtic spirituality for many years. As a professional dancer, she has toured widely, especially to Europe and the British Isles to teach and perform both traditional and creative dance/ritual pieces. In the summer of 2004, Juniper was chosen as one of the delegates representing Paganism to offer her workshop, “Dances With the Earth”, at the Parliament of World’s Religions held in Barcelona.
Tchipakkan is an artist, writer, healer, and eclectic pagan-heathen-rustic. Openly pagan since the 60s, she’s currently living on a small farm in NH aimed at self sufficiency and sustainability, with 3 adult children- all artists and writers, and a varying assortment of animals- friends and livestock. On weekends Tchipakkan teaches, while her daughters sell the family’s art through Cabochons, and they write, paint, sculpt, etc. the rest of the week. Recent writings include articles in “SageWoman”, and Hex magazines. Tchipakkan also wrote Divine Cookies, and paints book covers and portraits.
Joshua Tenpenny
Joshua Tenpenny is a licensed massage therapist, Shiatsu and Asian bodywork practitioner, yoga teacher, and minister-in-training in the First Kingdom Church of Asphodel. He follows a path of spiritual service.
Ellen Coutts Waff, FSA Scot
Ellen Waff, Eilidh, is a folklorist, singer and herbalist in the ancient Celtic tradition. She sings with Fol-de-Rol, a British folk trio, performing yearly at the Maryland Renaissance Festival. She has lived in Middlefield, CT for 10 years; previously she lived in the Baltimore/Washington area where she was a staff nurse at the Baltimore Birth Center. She has a particular interest in “enchantment” – the art of magical singing/poetry and has been active in the Wiccan, Pagan and Druid community since 1978. Ellen is a fosterling with Ord na Darach Gile, Celtic Reconstructionist Druids. She is working on the gardens at Talcott House, her 1742 home in Connecticut. Ellen and her daughter, Meg, own Laurel Brook Studios, costuming and art-to-wear. She will be presenting ‘Chant, Enchantment and Vibrational Healing’, and ‘Midwifery and Homebirth, a Woman’s Prerogative’.
Beth Washington
Beth is an ecclectic spiritualist, Pagan High Priestess, witch, shaman and an honored member of the Temple of Witchcraft. She studied paganism and witchcraft under Christopher Penczak and is currently studying shamanism with Rev. Steve Wilson. Her studies have been mostly pagan based and magical in nature, and have included pagan history, holidays and theory with a concentration in the Celtic pantheon, meditation techniques, divination using various tools, spell craft, ritual craft, dream work and interpretation and mediumship. She has also studied various forms of healing such as light work, shamanic journeying, aura cleansing, chakra alignment, past-life regression, psychic surgery and she is a Reiki II practitioner in the Usui tradition. When she isn’t teaching, Beth can be found making things from capes, cloaks and ritual robes to brooms, black mirrors, wands, jewelry and more.
Kirk White 
Kirk White, M.A., L.Ac., is a healer, teacher and author. He has been a practicing Witch since 1973, a psychotherapist for 15 years, and a licensed oriental medical practitioner for 16 years. A past president of Covenant of the Goddess (North America’s oldest and largest association of Witches and Wiccans), and past director of the University of Vermont’s Parapsychology Program, he also founded Cherry Hill Seminary, a professional Pagan ministry program with faculty and students worldwide, and co-founded the National Association of Pagan Schools and Seminaries. In 2006, named him one of the “25 most influential modern living Pagans today”. In addition to working as a consultant with Pagan seminaries nationwide such as the Heronwood Institute and the Aquarian Tabernacle Churches’ Woolston Steen Theological Semianry, he is a licensed acupuncturist/ Chinese herbalist, registered psychotherapist, and legal Pagan minister. His skills and interests include traditional healing modalities, various magickal and spiritual traditions, and models of Pagan leadership and ministry. A contributor to “Exploring the Pagan Path: Wisdom from the Elders” (2005), he is also author of “Adept Circle Magick: a Guide for the Advanced Wiccan Practitioner” (Kensington Press 2006), and its companion volume “Advanced Circle Magick: Essential Spells and Rituals for Every Season” (Kensington Press, 2008). For more bio info, go to or look me up on Wikipedia at:
Dennis Seavey Windsinger
Dennis Seavey-Windsinger began his journey on the pathway of Akichita Wakan’ literally from the crib. Of mixed ancestry, Dennis was surrounded by the oral traditions, ceremonies, and traditional skills of the Elders around him simply as day to day elements in his life. Dennis had his first conscious metaphysical experience at the age of five and has been following the pathway of Akichita Wakan’ from that time onward, whether knew or wanted to or not. An artist, musician, storyteller, craftsman, healer, teacher, nationally ranked bodybuilder, film maker, author, and actor, Dennis focuses on helping people find the personal connection to those spiritual tools that connect them to the natural rythm of the universe and the energy of the great mystery. He currently lives in Central Vermont with his wife Alice and son, Kieren, two dogs, two cats, a confusing number of chickens, and three part time goats. He will be offering CDs and DVDs on the author’s table and has made a limited number of Native American inspired jewelry of sacred stones and reproductions available to members of the Changing Times Changing Worlds conference through Cabechon’s.
Pastor Phil Wyman – 
Phil Wyman is the pastor of The Gathering, a non-denominational Christian church in downtown Salem, MA. In 2006, he and the church were excommunicated from their denomination for developing close friendships with Witches and Neo-Pagans. The story hit the front page of the Wall Street Journal that year.
Pastor Phil has developed a Pagan-Christian discussion called Circle and Cross Talk, both online and in face-to-face workshop discussions. His church, The Gathering and their friends help facilitate thousands of dream interpretation encounters each October in Salem.
He has worked hard to defend Neo-Pagans against the false accusations of child abuse, animal and human sacrifices, Satan worship and other wild accusations which pervade the Christian culture. His current work includes writings on Jesus as a prototype Shaman, and prophetic interpretation of spiritual encounters. This year, with the help of some friends, he created an interactive meditation art installation at Burning Man, and is returning with stories of people hearing the “voice of the spirit” at Burning Man.