As a shaman, Witch, professional psychic, Reiki Master and metaphysical engineer and soldier of fortune, Starwolf brings a broad range of knowledge and experience to the fields of magick, metaphysics and spirituality. His practical approach to adapting traditional metaphysical elements to modern lifestyles pulls magick into the twenty-first century. You can find him and his wife Catherine online as Foresight (the Information you need for the Adventure of Life) at www.ForesightYourPsychic.com or www.ForesightYourCtPsychic.wordpress.com

At CTCW, Starwolf is often found on panels, as his knowledge base
seems to know no limits. To see what classes heβs taught before see his page here.
2019 Classes: Dowsing 101
E.D.C. for the metaphysical practitioner
(EDC = Everyday Carry)