Kathryn has been a student of the esoteric in various forms since the mid 1980’s, and began studying with R. J. Stewart in 1996. Since then she been exploring both the Western esoteric traditions and fairy lore. She’s currently pursuing advanced studies in teaching esoteric topics with R. J. Stewart and Anastacia Nutt. Under the pen name Kathryn Scannell, she has published several short stories and a novel.
Kabbalah: Concepts and Historical Overview
Publish your Own Tarot or Oracle Deck
Using Tarot in Fiction Writing
Publish your Own Tarot Deck
Mapping the Major Arcana on the Tree of Life: A Survey of Systems
Cleansing – Not Just for Sacred Spaces
Crafting a Guided Meditation
Basic Grounding and Centering
Finding the Right Teacher-
Speaking and Presentation Tricks for Teaching and Ritual
Deathwork and Animal Companions
Ancestors of Spirit: Ancestorwork for the Disconnected
Hidden Magic: Esoteric teachings from traditional Ballads and Folktales
Introduction to work with the Inner Convocation and Inner Temples
A Visit to the Crossroads – contacting Faery allies for sacromagical work