Model, Artist, & Witch
I am Conrahsarahteena. I took that Craft name when I was 11 back in 1993 when I decided that the path that best fit who I was and who I wanted to be was Eclectic Wicca. I’ve been practicing magick my whole life. I drifted towards Paganism as a tween, and spent many years studying world mythology, with extra focus on Greek/Roman, Norse, and Egyptian. My all time favorite ancient culture is that of Minoan Crete. The society of ancient Crete was one of the most gender balanced of all time, and that really appeals to me as a tomboyish, bisexual, fiercely independent, and adventurous female.
About 12 yrs ago I did a little stock photography modeling, and gave it
up because I was getting married, and more focused on other areas of my
life. Fast forward to 2018, and I finally felt the time was right to go
through professional training, and get back into modeling. I graduated
from John Casablanca’s and then signed with them after graduating.
Since then I’ve been in one bridal expo, New Hampshire Fashion Week, a
couple of photo shoots with local photographers, and do some promoting
for a couple of events.
I paint, draw, and used to do ceramics. All my paintings have a poem on
the back about the scene. Each piece is part of a whole world and plot
lines that maybe someday I will manage to organize into a book. I
prefer doing landscapes or seascapes, but sometimes I paint spiritual
images that show the way I perceive various types of beings I’ve
encountered through my practice of The Art. I hope to finish enough
pieces to put together a show. I also love to write. Creativity is not
one thing. I have been passionate about dance since childhood. I’m an
artist. This includes my makeup when I’m modeling, the paint on each
canvas, the flower pots or offering dishes I’ve made from clay, or words
on a page. The spells and rituals I write are part of my artwork.
Psychic development, spells, rituals, astral travel, meditation, herbs,
mythology, folklore, and the paranormal have always been part of my
life. That list sums my practice of witchcraft. I grew up in a haunted
house on a small farm in southeastern IL. I was taught how to do card
readings as a toddler using a deck of preschool flash cards intended to
teach colors, shapes, letters, and numbers. I learned to use those
flash cards for reading the future and for spirit communication. As I
grew up I progressed to using various tarot and oracle card decks. I
learned to send and receive spiritual messages/signs my grandmother
called “tokens” through birds. Later as an adult I learned that was
called augury and was a common practice among the Romans. Magick to me
is not white, black, or green. It is a tool for personal development,
and it is morally neutral. I’m a healer, seer, psychic, medium,
herbalist, enchantress, shaman, priestess, and many other things that
fall under the umbrella of witch. I specialize in banishing and
exorcism. The paranormal has always been a huge part of my life, and
shaped who I am.