We are pleased to announce the following vendors, readers, and healing practitioners will be joining us this year.

Auntie Arwen’s Spices

Picture of Auntie Arwin's Spices banner hung on a tent wall. If front of it are racks with jars of spices and small bags of coffee.

Selling spice blends, catnip mice, crystallized ginger, whole bean and ground coffees, books, miscellaneous

Website: http://www.auntiearwenspices.com/

fer Personality Focused Readings to help people better understand themselves and others, as well as Personality Decks that help people explore this subject on their own. 

Jessica Lucci Books

Front face view of author Jessica Lucci sitting in a fan-back chair

Jessica Lucci is a poet and steampunk author who writes about modern issues while maintaining historic integrity.   Her LGBTQ+ books include the novella, “Salem Switch,” and the poetry collection, “Graveyard Shift.”  Her original Blessing Scrolls provide positive spell casting opportunities.  She is also the sole proprietor of The Stonehenge Watch. 

Magickal Creatures

Magickal Creatures is your one stop shopping for original occult art and wares
handcrafted by Sarah Schrift. Horary and natal astrology readings are offered by Tony

Keeper of the Old Ways

Keeper of the Old Ways is a small-batch herbal apothecary and integrative well-being practice rooted in animism, creativity, and mindful living. Founded by Lauren G. Koch, it offers handcrafted ritual oils, balms, teas, self-care tools, kits, and more blending traditional herbalism with modern holistic practices. Through workshops, mentorships, and sacred offerings, Keeper of the Old Ways nurtures deep connection to nature, self, and ancestral



Cards On The Table

Martha Smith of Cards on the Table uses astrology, Tarot, and other tools to bring clarity to querents’ current situations. Her divination sessions combine intuition, compassion, honesty, and humor, with the goal of helping querents to identify the next steps on their life journeys.

Pete’s Treasured Crystals and Treescapes

Photo of vending display showing gemstone trees and crystal specimens

For several years now I have been creating wire/gemstone tree sculptures. Recently I have “branched out” into wire/gemstone critters. You may also find some cute 3D printed critters. I also carry a wide variety of collectible crystals and minerals both polished and specimens. 

Saturday Only Vendors

Hellna’s Pathwork

 Naomi is a psychic medium, and an intuitive reader with a focus in tarot, runes and spirit. She studies in the magickal arts and serves as a priestess in a magickal order. Naomi teaches a variety of metaphysical classes with a passion to help others embrace their own unique gifts.

Sunday Only Vendors

Julie Ann Stratton

Julie Ann Stratton sitting behind her vending table.

I am an author and crafter. I will be selling copies of my two novels, my hand crafted magical quills, magic pens for kids, yule balls, spell boxes, book marks, & key chains.

Spread the word!