UPDATE 10/29/21: This page has been updated to reflect the 12 panels which will be presented at this year’s conference.

The Changing Times Changing Worlds Panel Selection Committee is pleased to present the possible panels for 2021!

If the workshops are the muscles of the conference, the panels are the bones. One of the goals of CTCW is to get people to discuss the many different approaches to the supernatural and paranormal that we’ve learned, to compare, and learn from each other. We pick panels that are meant to put forward topics that can be looked at in different ways: shamanism, symbolism, healing, ghosts, divination, magick, psychic abilities. We pick panelists who will probably approach the topic from different points of view, and different experiences.

We invite everyone to look at the list below and sign up to be on the panels that interest you. You don’t need to be an expert on a topic to be on a panel; your experience makes you an expert on what you’ve seen. Perhaps you don’t know enough to do a workshop, but each panelist will probably only get about 10 minutes of speaking time, so this might be a great way for you to “get your toes wet” as it were, and share what you know “a little” about. It still may be something other people didn’t know about and will help them understand the overall subject. If four people are interested, you’ll get to hear at least four points of view (maybe more).

The committee reviewed submitted panel ideas for general suitability to the theme and ideals of the conference.
We’ll review the sign-ups as the conference program solidifies, and will run the panels which have gathered most participant interest. No matter how wonderful we think the topic is, we can’t hold a panel if no one wants to be a panelist.

Below is the list of panels we are considering for this year. Please do scroll through the whole list, which is alphabetical order by title.

Current Volunteer Sign-up Sheets

Title Start Date End Date Open Spots
2024 Panel Sign-Ups Copy Ongoing Ongoing 44
2024 Panel Sign-Ups Ongoing Ongoing 4
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