What is this conference about?It’s an interfaith Supernatural/ Paranormal/ Metaphysical conference. We explore alternative views of reality, healing, divination, energy work and spiritual practice.
Our goal is to provide hands-on, how-to workshops on all things “occult” (Supernatural/ Paranormal/ Metaphysical), and also to get past the “introductory level” to the most useful techniques and tools. We include folklore and exploration of diverse spiritual paths as the spirit world is integrated and interactive with the physical world.
All paths are welcome and respected. Respect is fundamental as our other large goal is to bring those from different backgrounds together (for example those who study ESP, and those who study magick, those who pray and those who cast spells, those who study and those who do) together so that we can share our experiences and wisdom, and build on them together.If you want a better idea of what it’s about, keep coming back and checking out the guest blogs. Sometimes our speakers will be doing guest blogs
Our goals:
- To teach effective, practical use of energy work and magick;
- To encourage intermediate and advanced work, classes and presentations;
- To better grasp the history of esoteric studies and spiritual practices;
- To foster communication between the communities who study and practice these.
When is the conference?
The exact date varies from year to year, but is usually in November.
Are there Press Passes available?
Yes, although we expect all members of the press who are admitted to be respectful of any attendees or speakers who do not wish to be photographed or interviewed.

Please join us on our facebook group with any suggestions or just to talk about this stuff between now and then.
Will there be special activities for Children?
We have not before this, but are discussing it. Please let us know if having programs for young people would be welcome, although we are emphatically not venturing into child care. We love young people, but don’t expect them to join their parents unless they are interested in learning magick and developing their abilities. Clearly people learn different skills at different ages, so if they are ready to learn, we will welcome them. Do let us know if you and your friends need this sort of programming. (We can look for speakers eager to teach the young the basics- like grounding and centering, dowsing, healing, herbs, ethics, and the whole “when to keep silent” bit.) Honor’s Haven has extensive recreational activities. Please visit their website for activities that your children may enjoy.
How can I become part of the conference?
Like our Facebook page. Join the Facebook group. Follow us on Instagram. Most of the people in the Facebook group are presenters, dealers, volunteers etc. We talk about what we want the conference to be, and how to make it happen. This is where you can arrange ride and room shares, or volunteer for security, or other help.How can I help get the word out?We’d love to have you put up a poster at your local bookstore, library, school, church or anywhere else you think others who come there would like to know about us. There are posters in black and white and color you can download and print. Contact us for a current copy.
More Questions? Please contact us.