Andrea Brenton
Taking up the Shawl
As a child, I remember pondering the Infinite Universe, communing with the trees in the woods behind the house I grew up with. I always felt that there was “more” than the religion that I was raised in. “God is Everywhere” was my “universal truth” at the time. I spent many years exploring alternative religions. I came to the realization that what I was looking for was not a “religion”, but a Spiritual Path. Living in Boston in my 20s, I finally found people of a like mind, on a Path that holds all of Nature to be Sacred. I co-produced a Boston Cable Access TV show called “Real Witches”, teaching about the Wheel of the Year, the seasonal changes that we can tap into by connecting with those changes, helping us to change ourselves. I have been on this Path for over 25 years.
In recent years, I have studied many other Paths, as well. I have always been drawn to Celtic and Hindu spiritualities, and have spent time exploring those. I have studied Reiki in different forms, and currently am a Reiki Master. I have found myself on many Shamanic Journeys, some intentional, some by surprise. I have worked with the CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist PaganS) group at the Manchester, NH UU Church. I worked with the Southern NH Pagan Pride Day, as workshop coordinator for 2 years.
In the past few years, I have found myself at peace, learning of the Native American culture, following the Red Road. I strive to walk each day, in a good way, remembering to hold everything around me as Sacred, and that All Souls are Equal. I have made many “journeys”, about these Spiritual aspects, and have grown along the path of learning. I have learned to Breathe JOY! I am Woman Who Walks Through Spirit
Lady Maureen Chalmers
Symbolism in Selohar Ceremony
Tricksters- the Essence of Change
CoyoteSkyWoman has been a member of the Pagan community in Massachusetts and New Hampshire for the last 25 years, and she has been a practicing shaman for only a little bit longer than that. She works closely with the trickster spirit, Coyote, and has worked with The Sagefire Fellowship and A Sacred Place since their inceptions.
Seanara Coyote 
Into the Dark
Seanara Coyote is a Wiccan high priestess trained in Peruvian-based core shamanic techiques, a professional Tarot consultant, and a R-LCSW (licensed clinical social worker) in New York State. She has been teaching and leading workshops in these areas at Pagan and metaphysical gatherings since 1991.
Linda Demissy 
Meeting the Handmaidens of Frigga
Trance Tips from a Hypnotist
Spirit Suppers
Linda Demissy is founder andpriestess of Montreal’s Lokabrenna Kindred, former Senior Druid of Silver Fox Grove, ADF, and a Pagan since 1988. She specializes in spirit work, trance techniques, seership, and works as a hypnotherapist / NLP therapist. She is currently writing a book of stories on Frigga’s Handmaidens, one on the practice of spirit suppers, and enjoys singing funny songs with her mandolin.
Claire Fitzpatrick 
Menopause: Embracing Your Inner Demon
Sacred Sexuality and Food
CLAIRE FITZPATRICK, D.C. is an authority in the fields of human empowerment, holistic health, physical sensuality, and Western mysticism. She is a teacher of Western mysticism at The Akashic Temple online school of magick and ritual. As teacher for The Akashic Temple, Dr. Fitzpatrick incorporates many Hermetic, European Shamanism, Eastern mysticism and ceremonial magical principles in her approach to Wicca. As an expert in the fields of mind-body healing and Western mystical practice, she is currently working on a publication that shows the connection between magickal and energetic practices with recent scientific discoveries in biology, chemistry, and physics.
Dr. Fitzpatrick achieved her 4th (sublime) High Priestess degree with The Minoan Temple, Inc. in 1996. In 2000, she began to work as High Priestess and Teacher with Rev. Ariel M. Sirocco, founder of The Akashic Temple. She received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 2005 from The University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic, and attuned to the degree of Healer Master in the Hayashi tradition of Reiki in 2006 by Grandmaster Shabani of New Delhi, India.
Dr. Fitzpatrick is a regular presenter and speaker on natural health, meditation, trance, energetic healing, and human sensuality in centers of healing and empowerment throughout the Northeast, and performs public rituals, workshops, and classes throughout Connecticut and New York City. She currently practices chiropractic in New York City. To view her videos, listen to her podcasts, sign up for her newsletter and RSS feeds and to book Dr. Fitzpatrick to speak at your organization, visit To make a chiropractic appointment with Dr. Fitzpatrick, visit to her office website at
Lois Fitzpatrick
Not your grandmothers Tarot
SewMagical is a woman of many telents. She is an accomplished sewer, crocheter, beader, machine-embroidery, tarot reader and teacher. She ran a sewing-related website for several years, answering questions, posting articles, and writing project tutorials. Most recently, she has been a regular contributor to the electronic newsletter As published by As Lady Elena Norreys, she is the Guildmistress of the SCA’s East Kingdom Soothsayers Guild. Lois has been reading tarot cards for more than 30 years. She has taught classes on tarot, both in person and on-line, in several venues..She has successfully instructed people in scrying using several types of focus points, In addition, she has done classes on “The Ethics of Divination” and “What to Expect From a Tarot Reading”.
Ellen Evert Hopman 
Introduction to Flower Essence Counseling
Making Kitchen Medicines
Tree Medicine Tree Magic
Ellen Evert Hopman is a Master Herbalist and lay Homeopath who holds an M.Ed. in Mental Health Counseling.
Ellen Evert Hopman is the author of a growing number of books. Her first novel, Priestess of the Forest: A Druid Journey (Llewellyn, February 2008), was an exciting new project for her, combining a heart-warming third century Irish fictional romance with practical Druid rites and rituals. The sequel is called The Druid Isle (Llewellyn, April 2010) in which the action moves to the Hebrides of Western Scotland. The third novel in the series is Priestess of the Fire Temple: A Druid’s Tale (Llewellyn, March 2012) which explores the Pagan predecesor of Saint Brighid’s Fire Temple in Kildare. The three books are Bardic teaching tales that focus on the Three Realms of Land, Sea and Sky (Fire).
Making Kitchen Medicines has been picked up by a British publisher and will be available again Fall of 2012. Stay tuned for more details!
Ellen’s latest magical herbal is Scottish Herbs and Fairy Lore (Pendraig Publishing, June 21, 2011). Featuring seventy five medicinal and magical plants of the Highlands and Lowlands, the book covers Scottish folkways from Orkney to Shetland and the Borders.
Her newest book on tree medicine and tree lore is A Druid’s Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine (Inner Traditions – Bear and Company, June 2008)
Other books include Being a Pagan: Druids, Wiccans, and Witches Today (Destiny Books, 2001), People of the Earth: The New Pagans Speak Out (Inner Traditions, 1995), Walking the World in Wonder – A Children’s Herbal (Healing Arts Press, 2000), A Druid’s Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year (Destiny Books, 1994) , and Tree Medicine -Tree Magic (Phoenix Publishing, Inc.,1992, currently out of print).
Hopman is a founding member of The Order of the White Oak (Ord Na Darach Gile, and its former Co-Chief, a Bard of the Gorsedd of Caer Abiri, and a Druidess of the Druid Clan of Dana. She was Vice President of The Henge of Keltria, an international Druid Fellowship, for nine years. She has also been at times a member of The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and of ADF, A Druid Fellowship. She is the co-creator of the Virtual Shrine of the Goddess Brighid(
Hopman has been a teacher of Herbalism since 1983 and of Druidism since 1990. She is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and a member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages. She was a professor at the Grey School of Wizardry for four years.
Hopman has presented on Druidism, herbal lore, tree lore, Paganism, and magic at conferences, festivals, and events in Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the United States. She has participated in numerous radio and television programs including National Public Radio’s “Vox Pop” and the Gary Null show in New York. She presented a weekly “herb report” for WRSI radio out of Greenfield, MA for over a year and was a featured subject in a documentary about Druids on A&E Television’s “The Unexplained” (Sacred Societies, February 1999).
She has also released video tapes and DVDs on the subjects covered in her books through Sawmill River Productions. See clips at:
Purchase the DVDs for $20.00 plus $4.00 s/h from Ellen at POB 219, Amherst, MA 01004 (orders outside the USA please add another $6.00 for shipping)
She has been a teacher of Herbalism since 1983 and of Druidism since 1990 and has co-lead tours to Celtic and Neolithic sites in Europe. She was the founder of The New England Druid Summit, a yearly gathering of Druids in New England.
She has been on the staff of Keltria: Journal of Druidism and Celtic Magick and has been a contributing author to many New Age and Pagan journals.
Raven Kaldera
Nine Sisters: Gods and Goddesses of the Northern Seas
Talking to the Spirits: Getting Better Signal Clarity
Sacred Meat and Leather: Being a Spiritual Omnivore
Raven Kaldera is a Northern Tradition shaman, intersex/transgender FTM activist, erotica educator, Ordeal Master, Speaker for the Transgendered Dead, homesteader, diviner, psychic vampire, herbalist, polyamorous parent, and author of many, many books, articles, and short stories. Raven is a builder of bridges between worlds, a crosser of boundaries between communities, a Reweaver of the Web. He is the Dreamer Whose Dreams Come True.
‘Tis an ill wind that blows no minds.
Catherine Kane 
Little Manifestations
Break Down Blocks with EFT
The Palmist Goes to Work (Money and Career in the Palm of your Hand)
A Touch of Acupressure- the Point is Feeling Better
The Practical Empath:Empathy 101
Catherine Kane is a professional psychic, a Reiki Master, a bard, a metaphysical Christian, and a delighted student of the Universe (amongst other things). She brings creativity, an eclectic body of knowledge, and an attitude of fun to empowering people to find and live their best and brightest dreams. Her writing has been seen in magazines such as Thorn, the Door Opener, and Helix; and she is the author of “Adventures in Palmistry” and “The Practical Empath”. Visit her and husband Starwolf online as Foresight (the Information you need for the Adventure of Life) at and
Adam Latin
Palmistry to aid in Communication
My name is Adam Latin. I have been a healing/helping professional since 2001. I am a licensed massage therapist, Reiki Master, intuitive, mystic and teacher. In my intuitive practice I primarily use palms and cards. I have studied with a wide range of spiritual and metaphysical teachers. I have explored Hinduism, Native American traditions, astrology, buddhism, shamanism, crystal healing, sound healing, meditation, Wicca, channeling, mediumship, psychometry, Kabbalah and various other techniques. My knowledge comes primarily from people rather than books. As I was taught by individual people. I also teach my knowledge to others.
Maryalyce Merrit 
Reiki Level II
Reiki Level III
“She changes everything she touches and everything she touches changes”
Maryalyce (aka Akasha’s Heart) has been practicing witchcraft and the magickal arts since 1994. She is an ordained minister, priestess, ritualist, writer, teacher, and healer. She is a member of the Hands On Trade Association, is a Reiki Master Instructor and Practitioner, Advanced Level IET Practitioner, Run Valdr Instructor and Practitioner, and teacher of such things like reading Tarot and Medicine Cards, Introduction to Wicca, Introduction to Witchcraft, Witch-Crafting (making magickal tools), How to Organize/Construct/Lead Rituals, and others. With her passion for just about all things esoteric, metaphysical, astrological, and deeply spiritual, she decided to follow her soul’s journey to feed, educate, and empower the world community. This may be in the form of oracle readings for seekers, healing sessions, healing circles, or Reiki instruction among others. As a dog lover, she extends this healing to not only dogs, but other animals and familiars as well. Maryalyce is an ABCDT Certified Dog Trainer, and she and her rescued dog, Cody, are a registered Delta Society Pet Partner therapy team. Akasha’s Journey has evolved from the same passion for magickal living and crafting tools and items for people and their pets to assist them on their own journeys. Part of Maryalyce’s dream is to make healing & learning how to heal accessible to the community and the people who truly desire it, and of course, the beautiful animals who cannot ask for it themselves.
Come visit me and begin your transformation. The joy is in the journey.
Colleen McCartney 
I am a healer, I am an inspiration, I am a life changer. I work with doTERRA CPTG Essential Oils and empower others to take charge of their own healthcare. By teaching others the power of Essential Oils I get to feel good knowing how much I am truly helping them improve their life from the inside out.
Whether you want to learn about natural options, or you want to learn how to create a business by helping others, I can help you achieve your goals.
Dr. Sue McIntosh 
Being the Change
Soul Fusion
Dr. McIntosh is a native of Tennessee, relocating to Connecticut for postgraduate training in pediatrics and pediatric hematology and oncology at the Yale-New Haven Medical Center.
From 1974 to 1984 she was a member of the faculty at the Yale School of Medicine and was active in patient care, teaching and clinical research. Administrative duties included committees on the status of faculty women, human investigation, and pharmacy and therapeutics. From 1984 to 1991 she established one of the first private practices of pediatric and adolescent hematology and oncology in Guilford, CT, with continued privileges in patient care and teaching at the Yale-New Haven Medical Center.
The gradual onset and progressive course of severe fibromyalgia necessitated early retirement from medicine in 1991. During this illness and while still practicing medicine, she learned, applied and taught alternative healing methods and was one of the first practitioners of integrative, or complementary, medicine. Forced retirement allowed not only rest and healing but time and opportunity to learn about basic natures of society and life. As a student and a seeker, she began teaching and writing about conspiracy, extraterrestrials, spiritual development and healing methods.
Dr. McIntosh has written five books—Evolution or Enslavement? Essays in Transformation; Poisoned Americans—What Everyone Should Know about Food, Drink and Cell Phones; PIP (a meditation primer for children); Runway—A Dog’s Tale; Letters To My Grandchildren and more than 50 professional papers and presentations. She and her wife live in Connecticut. She is an avid organic gardener, earth-keeper, healer, teacher, seeker and trouble-maker
Corbie Mitlied
Create Your Sentence of Passion
Corbie Mitlied has been on the mystic’s path for 40 years- meeting challenges, always questioning, leading the examined life.” It’s proved to her an essential Cosmic Truth: God gives all of us what we need for a life filled with miracles and joy, and as long as our hearts are open, whole and aligned with our Source Energy, anything is possible. Corbie is a Certified Professional Tarot Reader, Certified Psychic, Trained Medium and Ordained Minister. She is featured in the new Breakthrough book Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You planned Before You were Born by Robert Schwartz..
Robert Nolan 
Guest Right
Old Laws in a Modern World
Lein and Obligation
Rev. Robert Nolan has been a practicing magician and priest in New Hampshire for the past 15 years during which time he has been involved in events and festivals run by The Sagefire Fellowship and A Sacred Place, as well as briefly running The New England Oracle readers association.
Larry Obern 
Nightmares and Demons
The Other Kind
Wards and Barriers
Roleplaying games as worship
Larry Obern is a third generation Family Traditionalist. He has worked with Ecumenicon as a teacher for several years. He was ordained as a priest by the following Organizations: ULC, Nomadic Chantry of the Gramarye, and Ecumenicon Fellowship. He continues his clergy under the auspices of the ULC, and Nomadic chantry of the Gramarye. He has taught basic level classes, as well as the more advanced forms of the same classes. He offers a wide variety of classes usually at each conference he attends, and allows the Organizers to fit his classes into their Conference.
Jane Raeburn – cancelled
Prosperity Working
Jane Raeburn is a Wiccan writer and editor. Her site includes a resource page for Maine Pagans and information on Celto-Roman Wiccan training.
Dennis Seavey 
Akichita Wakan’
Dennis Seavey-Windsinger began his journey on the pathway of Akichita Wakan’ literally from the crib. Of mixed ancestry, Dennis was surrounded by the oral traditions, ceremonies, and traditional skills of the Elders around him simply as day to day elements in his life. Dennis had his first conscious metaphysical experience at the age of five and has been following the pathway of Akichita Wakan’ from that time onward, whether knew or wanted to or not. An artist, musician, storyteller, craftsman, healer, teacher, nationally ranked bodybuilder, film maker, author, and actor, Dennis focuses on helping people find the personal connection to those spiritual tools that connect them to the natural rythm of the universe and the energy of the great mystery. He currently lives in Central Vermont with his wife Alice and son, Kieren, two dogs, two cats, a confusing number of chickens, and three part time goats. He will be offering CDs and DVDs on the author’s table and has made a limited number of Native American inspired jewelry of sacred stones and reproductions available to members of the Changing Times Changing Worlds conference through Cabechon’s.
Jane Sibley
Ancestors in Norse and Sami Traditions
The Mighty Dead in Norse Tradition
Jane T. Sibley, Ph.D., is a traditional Norse practitioner and a specialist in Norse folklore and runes. She has taught at many Pagan events for decades, including at Rites of Spring, Feast of Lights, Twilight Covening, Beltane, Ecumenicon … the list goes on … and also hosts MithraCon, which focuses on Mithraism and other cults in the Roman Empire. Her books, “Norse Mythology…According to Uncle Einar”, “The Hammer of the Smith”, and “The Divine Thunderbolt: Missile of the Gods” are available in the dealers’ room, along with her spices & seasoning blends, teas, and coffees.
Ariel Sirocco 
Alchemical gold
Talismans, Sigils and Amulets: Oh My! “Introduction to Symbology”
Sacred Geometry: the pint the circle the triangle the square
Ariel Malachi Sirocco is a teacher of Western esoteric history and traditions, a Hermetic alchemist, a 32 Degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite, and a High Priest of Wicca. He is the founder of The Akashic Temple, School of Magickal Arts and Ritual, and a teacher of Western mysticism and magickal manifestation for the school.
Ariel has an academic background in biology and 15 years with the American Museum of Natural History; from these studies and experiences, Ariel evolved his understanding of science into a philosophical and spiritual pursuit. Ariel has been a practicing occultist since 1983. He was initiated as a High Priest of the Minoan Temple, Inc. of New York in 1998 and The Temple of the Spiral Path-NYC in 2004. He is a Master Mason with Union Lodge 5 in Connecticut and is their current historian.
Ariel is a regular presenter and speaker on Hermetic alchemical principles, meditation, trance, Western Shamanism, and elements of ritual and manifestation throughout the Northeast, and performs public rituals, workshops, and classes throughout Connecticut and New York City. Ariel is currently writing a body of knowledge encompassing principles garnered from his years of study. To learn more about Ariel and his appearances, visit For bookings and interviews, please inquire at
Kathryn Smith
Deathwork and Animal Companions
Ancestors of Spirit: Ancestorwork for the Disconnected
Hidden Magic: Esoteric teachings from traditional Ballads and Folktales
Kathryn has been a student of the esoteric in various forms since the mid 1980’s, and began studying with R. J. Stewart in 1996. Since then she been exploring both the Western esoteric traditions and fairy lore. Having completed Stewart’s advanced teaching seminars in 2008, Kathryn is now authorized to teach workshops and classes based on his work. Under the pen name Kathryn Scannell, she has published several short stories and a novel through Torquere Press.
Practical Necronomicon
The Totally Amateur Tea Leaf Reading Experiential Experience & Tea Party
As a shaman, Witch, professional psychic, Reiki Master and metaphysical engineer, Starwolf brings a broad range of knowledge and experience to the fields of magick, metaphysics and spirituality. His practical approach to adapting traditional metaphysical elements to modern lifestyles pulls magick into the twenty-first century. You can find him and his wife Catherine online as Foresight (the Information you need for the Adventure of Life) at or
RunValdr Practice
Tchipakkan is an artist, writer, healer, and eclectic pagan-heathen-rustic. Openly pagan since the 60s, she’s currently living on a small farm in NH aimed at self sufficiency and sustainability, with 3 adult children- all artists and writers, and a varying assortment of animals- friends and livestock. On weekends Tchipakkan teaches at SCA, pagan, SF and other conferences & festivals, while her daughters sell the family’s art through Cabochons, and they write, paint, sculpt, etc. the rest of the week. Recent writings include articles in “SageWoman”, and Hex magazines. Tchipakkan also wrote Divine Cookies, and paints book covers and portraits.
Christian Henry Tobler
Medieval Dagger
Christian Henry Tobler has been a longtime student of swordsmanship, especially as it applies to the pursuit of the chivalric ideals. A passionate advocate of the medieval Liechtenauer School, he is an important contributor to the community of Western martial artists. Sir Christian is the Grand Master of the Order of Selohaar, an eclectic, mystic order of chivalry that he co-founded in 1979. A veteran of 20 years of tournament fighting, he is also an avid collector of reproduction arms and armour. He has been focused on the study of medieval fechtbücher (fight books) since the late 1990′s. He has taught classes at the St. George Swordplay Symposium, and the Western Martial Arts Workshops, appeared as a guest on “The Exchange”, and has traveled the United States teaching weekend long seminars. He has also lectured at the 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He’s on the Advisory Board of Swordplay Symposium International. His books include Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship: Sigmund Ringeck’s Commentaries on Johannes Liechtenauer’s Verse, and Fighting with the German Longsword His most recent work is In the Service of the Duke.
Laura Wildman-Hanlon 
Taking Control: Creating Personalized Tarot Spreads
Honoring the Moments
Laura A. Wildman-Hanlon has been involved with the Pagan Community for many years. She is the author of: What’s Your Wicca I.Q? (Citadel Press 2002), Wiccan Meditations (Citadel Press 2003), and Celebrating the Pagan Soul (Citadel Press 2005). Her research on “Generational Retention within the New Religious Movement of Neo-Paganism” was published last year in a three book collection: Paganism: Critical Concepts in Religion. Laura is one of the originators of Cherry Hill Seminary, a virtual Pagan seminary offering professional Pagan ministry education <>. She is also one of the creators of New Moon, a Pagan Networking Organization that has branches in Boston, New York City, and in the Pioneer Valley. She is a member of the University of Massachusettes Religious Affairs Committee and is a guest lecturer on campus, offering the modern practices segment of the Witchcraft Myth to Relaity course. She is the Priestess of Apple & Pak, a training coven in a liber form of BTW, and a legally registered Wiccan clergy in the state of Massachusetts.