Not only can you learn things at CTCW that it’s hard to find anywhere else, we also bring you the hard-to-find materials and tools as well. You can find these in two areas- the Dealers around the atrium, and the Vendors Room around the corner, with the workshop rooms. We know it’s a bit odd to use both the terms Vendor and Dealer at the same conference, but many of our speakers are also selling what they know you are looking for, as well as teaching you how to use it, and some of them find it easier to sell out of their rooms and close up when speaking, and open at their own schedule, while others prefer selling in the Vendors room.
If you are interested in selling at CTCW please look at our Vendors and Dealers Page for costs and contact information, and use the registration form. We still have some space left!
If you’d like to advertise in the program book (anyone may) check here.