Virtual Divination Conference Speaker Submissions This is the form for submitting classes.Accept Terms *I have read and agree to the terms above.Core Values Statment *I have read and accept the To Register * I understand that is it my responsibility to complete our on-line registration form. When you complete this form, you will be directed to our registration page. Please complete that form. Select the option to "pay by check". You will be invoiced via PayPal after the Programming staff makes their decision.Your BILLING First Name (required) ** remains Confidential ** *Your BILLING Last Name (required) ** remains Confidential ** *Your CRAFT or public facing Name *Phone number (with area code) *Your Email (required) *Mailing address (USPS) *What is the best way for us to contact you? *EmailTelephoneUSPSOther (please specify)Other contact methodHave you already registered to attend the November conference?Yes, I have registeredNo, I have not registeredHave you presented at Changing Times, Changing Worlds previously?Yes, I have presented at CTCW beforeNo, I have not presented at CTCW beforeWeb site, if you have one.Your websiteUpload your Bio: *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileUpload your Speaker Pic: *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease indicate your availability to present (check as many as apply). All times shown are Eastern Daylight Savings Time. *Saturday, June 28, 2025 - MorningSaturday, June 28, 2025 - AfternoonSaturday, June 28, 2025 - EveningWhat time zone are you in?Are there any times you would prefer not to be scheduled, special considerations we should be aware of, etc? Please tell us:Will you need instruction in using the Zoom platform before the event? *Help with ZoomNo, I'm familiar with it.Yes, please.Not sure.AccessibilityWe would love to be able to make this conference completely disability-friendly for everyone, but in reality, our budget will not cover that. However, we hope to be able to provide some accommodations, and to that end we need to have some actual information about our attendees and their needs. We can't promise we can provide everything, but having this demographic information will help us to see what's needed most and set priorities. Would you need:Do you need...?NoneLarge print program bookClosed captioning of Virtual programmingOther - Please speciifyOther Accommodation Requested0 / 100How many classes are you submitting (Max is 2) All Class slots are 60 minutes long. *Class DetailsClass/Workshop Name *Class Description *0 / 1000I give permission for my class to be recorded and shared with conference members for a period of 1 year. *I do not give permission.I give permission.Will your class include handouts? *YesNoNot sure yetAre there advance preparations requested/required of students? (e.g. viewing on-line content somewhere, bringing certain items/tools with them, being familiar with introductory material related to the class, etc. *0 / 200SendPlease do not fill in this field. Spread the word!