Here is the list of program items planned for this year’s conference. They are separated into in-person and virtual sections, and arranged in alphabetical order by class name. Please take note of any prerequisites required.

Art & Poetry Spell Workshop

Presenter: Sarah O’Malley

In this workshop we will be exploring painting and poetry as a method of spellcasting. Practitioners often use visualizations and guided meditations as part of casting their spells. In this workshop we will create an artwork that serves as the visual component of the spell. We will then combine it with writing a poem that serves as the verbal portion of the spell. The intention and thus the energy devoted to the casting is then refreshed each time the practitioner views the painting. In this spell the focus will be on perspective and serenity.

Participants will follow along creating an acrylic painting based on the instructor’s example on a small canvas panel. All are encouraged to make changes and or add their own unique details. A perfect copy of the example is NOT the goal. Creating a visual backdrop for your spell work is the goal of the first half of the class.

While the artwork dries, we will work on writing our poems or participants may copy the example poem.


All materials will be provided. Limit of class size is 15. No prior art nor writing experience is required. This is appropriate for all ages. Materials fee of $1 per person please.

Astral Temples, Strongholds, and Way-Stations

Presenter: Ivo Dominguez, Jr

Many practitioners from a wide range of systems and traditions speak of using permanent or semi-permanent structures on the astral plane to do rituals or perform other tasks. Often these are called astral temples, though many are not strictly temples, but it is the most prevalent term. Some of these pieces of astral architecture have anchoring points in the physical world, but many are only moored in the astral itself. This workshop will explore the uses of these structures for individual and collective work. I will also give recommendations on how to design and construct astral temples, strongholds, and way-stations. There will also be suggestions on when, why, and how to use them. Lastly, I’ll cover how to take them down when their utility has passed.

Beyond the Hands: Divine Encounters in Reiki Practice

Presenter: Julie Atkinson

This presentation explores the intersection of Reiki practice and the divine. We will discuss the role of the practitioner in channeling Reiki energy, the ways in which deities and the divine may manifest during a session, and practical tips for integrating that divine intervention into Reiki practice. By understanding the interplay between the practitioner, the Reiki energy, and the divine, individuals can deepen their connection to this powerful healing modality.

Elemental Herbal Energetics

Presenter: Raven Kaldera

A “Pagan Herbalism 201” class, for those who already have some grounding in herbalism.
Both herbs and physical ailments can be divided by the elements,
according to energy, taste, and action. This class will discuss how
to find the right herb for the job, and how to tell if it will work
for the body in question. Derived from old European herbalism and
some spirit-taught traditions, this will illuminate herbalism as much
more than just a “cookbook” of plants.

Pre-requisites: For people who already have some background in herbalism.

Fire in the Head: Igniting the Spark of Awen in our Lives

Presenter:Jhenah Telyndru

In Welsh tradition, the gift of Awen, or Divine Inspiration, was obtained from the Cauldron of Cerridwen – She who is Goddess and Muse. Bards sought the Awen to illuminate their art, birth forth poetic prophecy, and ignite their spirits with the transformational fires of wisdom. In this workshop, we will discuss the history and lore of the Awen, explore the symbol of the Three Rays /|, and work with several techniques – both ancient and modern – used to connect with the Source of Awen and prepare the vessel of the self to experience its soul-changing power.

Folklore and Animism in a Disenchanted World

Presenter: BJ Swain

The nineteenth and twentieth centuries saw an apparent triumph of
materialism and a disenchantment of the average person’s perceptions
of the world. With that, folk knowledge and the spirits which were
once recognized by the average person fade to obscurity or become the
quaint stories and superstitions of the past.

At least, this is what we’ve been told. Much of the world still believes in and experiences the uncanny. People relay Urban legends and create new folklore because they need to process those things which exist beneath the surface. In this class we will explore how the paranormal, the weird, the pop-cultural, and the creepy lore of the internet may tie in to the living and animistic reality of the world.

From Goddess to Grail: Reclaiming the Quest for Sovereignty

Presenter: JhenahTelyndru

One of Western Tradition’s most evocative tales is the Search for the Holy Grail, that sacred vessel which will heal the Wounded King and restore the fallow land to bountiful abundance. But what is the true nature of this quest, and what wisdom does it hold for the spiritual seeker of today? Together, we will trace the evolution of the Grail Quest back to its origins, and examine its connection to the rites of kingship in Celtic traditions. We will compare the types of Sovereignty figures appearing in Irish, Welsh, and Arthurian legends, and discuss the importance of being in right relationship with the Lady of Sovereignty. Finally, we will consider ways to reclaim the Vessel of Transformation, so that we may work to revive the Wasteland – both within and around us.

Hekate’s Torches – Igniting Witchfire (ritual)

Presenter: Sara Mastros

We’ll begin with a short lecture on Hekate, focusing on her title Dadophoros (Torchbearer), and then we’ll engange in a short ritual to commune with her. Each participant will be given the option to swear compact with Hekate – She will ignite your witchfire, grant you power, and teach you witchcraft. In exchange, you must promise to stoke that witchfire, own your power, and relentlessly learn witchcraft. This is a serious oath, it is not obligatory to make compact. Participants who do swear will receive a small token of the compact. If you can afford to, please consider donating $5 to help defray the cost of materials.

Inner Awareness Levels Meditation

Presenter: Rev. Gretchen A.L. Schork

This is an open-ended sytle of meditation that takes you into your own inner life. Examine problems and concerns in a variety of ways that are intended to help you grow as a person. Repeat this meditation weekly to keep track of your life and find creative ways to solve problems.

It’s Not All About Death: Reading the Egyptian Amduat for the Living

Presenter: Badger

One of the most significant of the so-called “Egyptian Underworld Books,” the Amduat, literally “What is in the Netherworld” chronicles the sun god Re’s perilous journey as he travels from dusk to dawn.

But the scope of the Amduat stretches far beyond gods and the deceased; within the registers of often bizarre and confusing figures, we find a chronicle of transformation and rebirth that can be applied to both our conscious and subconscious minds, and thus to the ways in which we approach our experiences. Accompanying the sun god through the twelve hours of the night, we will explore some of these concepts and how they can help us move forward in our lives.

Labyrinths for Foot and Finger

Presenter: Rev. Gretchen A.L. Schork

Wend your way through a pattern that focuses on specific energy. Learn the
difference between walking it with foot or finger. Planetary,
elemental and other patterns will be available to walk, with others
presented as finger patterns. The Chartres pattern will also be
available to walk. A brief introduction will review uses of labyrinth
patterns, and then quiet time will be provided for you to walk your
choice of pattern.

Magickal Math: More Than Just Circles

Presenter: Velahtar

I will be talking about using other shapes for magickal work. I will also be expanding on the idea of Autonomous Geometric Functions. While touching on the importance of energy efficiency and visualization pre-work.

Mithraism: A Mystery Cult In The Roman Empire
Presenter: Jane Sibley

Mithraic temples were found throughout the Roman Empire, from Hadrian’s wall, the
Adriatic, North Africa, and of course, the Continent. Temples were
privately funded, essentially underground, and open only to (male)
initiates, who had to be invited in order to be admitted into the

As in Freemasonry, there was a sequence of initiatory
grades, each involving particular mysteries and symbols. Also, the
cult was essentially the same, wherever the temple was located. What
we know of it is essentially from archaeological finds, since they
never wrote anything down outside of dedications on various items
donated to the temple. Mithraism arose before Christianity, and a few
elements therein did seep into Christianity, notably a birth on
December 25th. The cult remained active into the 400s CE, and may
have survived even longer, hidden from the onslaught of Christianity,
which swept over the lands wherein Mithraism had been active,
possibly via the Knights Templar.

Mystic Rite of Transcendance

Presenter: Rev.Gretchen A.L. Schork

Celebrate the Light of Life in the form of water infused with the
energies of the planets. By reaching toward a transcendant ultimate,
we can experience the presence of that Light and our relationship to
it. There are no names given to the Ultimate Realtiy that we will
reach toward, and so this ritual is not sectarian. It is designed to
join all people in the uplifting of their spirit toward union with
the highest we are able to touch.


Presenter: Jane Sibley

A high energy in-person circle focusing on healing; best run in the evening. A preliminary grounding exercise will be held before we get into the Working.

Pagan Polyamory

Presenter: Raven Kaldera

Polyamory, or ethical, negotiated non-monogamy, is a lifestyle that is growing by leaps and bounds in the Pagan community. This workshop discusses how we Pagans do it differently from other groups, and how polyamory can be used as a spiritual discipline of love and relationship. It’s also a good basic primer for people who just want to know what polyamory is all about, what it is that we do and don’t do. By the author of “Pagan Polyamory: Building A Tribe Of Hearts”.

Past Lives & Astrology – Explore through hypnosis!

Presenter: Mary D’Alba

Curious to know who you were in a past life? Wondering how past lives are influencing your current life? Come experience a Past Life Regression!

In this class, you will understand some of the basics of Past Lives and also enjoy a Past Life Regression through hypnosis.

This class will include:

Basics on past lives – how the soul chooses lives, other people we know in our lives, and how we end up with the parents we do, explanation of Lives in between Lives and what happens after we die but before we reincarnate?

We will also dive into the houses, planets and signs to review when looking for past life connections or lessons.

Exploring Past Lives through hypnosis is very safe and helpful. Come and enjoy a relaxing hypnosis session and leave with information about the past!

Protection in the Northern Tradition: Runes, Plants, and Gods

Presenter: Raven Kaldera

This year’s theme is Algiz the Rune of Protection, so let’s talk about how protection, defense, and boundaries work in the Northern Tradition. What deities can be called on for this, and what do you offer them? How can you protect things with Norse/Germanic runes? What plants and herbs are protective, and in what way? We’ll make charms for setting boundaries for ourselves or others.

Sacred Spaces and Divine Faces for Modern Life

Presenter: BJ Swain

Magical books and teachers present us with the lore of naturally sacred spaces: the Crossroads, the Seashore, the Cemetery, the clearing in the grove…these types of places are recognizable to most magicians, Pagans, and NeoPagans as places of power.

But what about airports? Train stations? Street lamps? What modern spaces hold natural characteristics which give them an affinity with magic and how can they fit into our sacred and magical experiences? Just as there are places that didn’t exist when most concepts of magic were developing, the world is full of new technologies and experiences as well. How do we explore their divine and spiritual components to understand what powers rule over things like cars and computers? In this class we will explore the magic of the modern and how to explore traditional associations so we can build new ones.

Sefer HaOtot: A Hebrew Book of Seals

Presenter: Sara Mastros

Sefer HaOtot is a never-before-translated, never-before-published book of Solomonic seals which may be among the most complete and intact transmissions of the famed planetary pentacles. In this lecture, you’ll learn about the manuscript and its history. Then, we’ll talk about the process of translating and midwifing a new grimoire into the world. Finally, you’ll get to see one seal from the book. Some familiarity with Solomonic magic is useful, but not required. This will be a bookish class – if you’re not a nerd you probably won’t enjoy it.

Slavic Bean Divination

Presenter: Patricia Robin Woodruff (Boyana)

Information on Slavic Bean Divination is hard to come by. This divination technique has been used for hundreds of years in Central Asia by Turkic shamans and it seeped into the Slavic cultures. Using 41 stones or beans the “wise one” connects with these objects by touching the beans one by one to their forehead or by blowing on the beans in their hand. The beans are then sorted into various groups and laid out within a grid. The method incorporates the traditional four elements and is guided by the Ancestors. While it is best known in Kazakhstan and Mongolia the shamanic witches in some Slavic lands use this technique as well. This class will be hands-on, creating our own divination cloths and learning the techniques. Requesting a $5 suggested donation for materials.

Sound Healing, Sacred Geometry and Gong Bath

Presenter: Suzy Woo

Gain a comprehensive understanding of vibration as it pertains to both sacred geometry and sound, and how sound can heal energy imbalances in humans.

You will experience an array of sound healing tools, from tuning forks to large Nepal gongs, feeling your own energy body as it agrees or disagrees with the sounds and vibrations being generated.

The second half of this class features a guided meditation and energy healing sound bath employing the gongs, which will bring you to other significant timelines and lifetimes. No two people will have the same experience.

This is a powerful healing experience that will speak to, vibrate and cleanse your energy at a cellular level.

You will walk out of this workshop changed, and inspired.

The Lunar Lock and Key – Solomon’s First Lunar Pentacle

Presenter: Sara Mastros

After a brief lecture on Solomonic magic, the Greater Key of Solomon, and the planetary pentacles, we’ll do an in-depth dive in to the first lunar pentacle, the Lunar Lock and Key. We will construct pentacles, and learn to consecrate them. Initial rituals will be done in class, and complete instructions for the final consecration at home will be provided. If you can afford it, please consider a $5 donation to cover materials.

The Many Forms Of Polarity

Presenter: Ivo Dominguez, Jr

The use of polarity is one of the keys to harnessing energy for magick. Its understanding is often limited to simplistic notions. In this class we will be taking the concept of polarity far beyond plus and minus or male and female. In reexamining the concept of polarity, it is more productive to focus on how accepted ideas are incomplete, rather than dismissing all of them. These are two of my expanded definitions for polarity in the context of magick and ritual:

Polarity can be thought of as any difference in position, alignment, state of being, or attribute that causes, directs, catalyzes, or encourages the flow, production, or expression of energy.

Polarity can also be an entangled state, of mutual interaction, of relationship, between forces and/or forms that share essential natures, thematic resonance, or primal attraction.

The Myths Of Avalon: Reclaiming The Legacy Of The Holy Isle

Presenter: Jhenah Telyndru

From beyond the mists of time and through the pages of literature, Avalon calls to us. A half-remembered legacy arising from a confluence of history, mythology, and legend, this Otherworldly Island of Apples has nevertheless intrigued and inspired us for almost a thousand years. But what do we really know about Avalon? Was it ever a real place? Was it truly an island of priestesses? What relevance does it have for modern spiritual seekers? In our time together, we will explore the intertwining elements that have come to inform the vision of Avalon we have inherited today. We will trace the Avalonian Stream of Tradition back to its source, following it as it winds through the landscapes of Arthurian legend, Welsh mythology, Gaulish historical accounts, and lore from Celtic, Germanic, and Greek lands. Then, guided by the mythic map that this work has revealed to us, we will undertake a journey over water to reach the shores of the Holy Island itself.

Unchaining Your Money Familiar

Presenter: Terence Ward

Money is a complicated subject. Many of us feel we don’t have enough, and it seems that some of us have far too much. Joseph Campbell described money as “congealed energy,” suggesting that it’s simply a tool, but others consider money to be a spirit that has shaped and been shaped by humanity.

What if we partnered with our money, rather than avoiding it, or trying to enslave it?

In this workshop we will start a relationship with money, or restart it if that relationship has been a rocky one. We will explore how we can tap the energy within money to change the world, and discuss the downsides of not living in relationship with money while living in a moneyed society.

Understanding and Removing Negative Workings

Presents: Ivo Dominguez, Jr

Although devotion to your faith and positive energy and positive outlook are great starting points, they are not always enough to ensure safety. This workshops teaches ways to detect and to guard against spells, workings, beings, atmospheres, and energies that are unwholesome. I will give an overview of intentional and unintentional negative workings as well as things such as crossed conditions. More often than not curses are more imagined or feared than real, but when real they need attention. I will share a few easy diagnostic measures and simple remedies for the most common problems. There will also be suggestions on what to do when simple measures are not enough.

As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without

Presenter: Lailani

A Latine Mystic Perspective on Protection Magick.
A Lecture that covers types of spiritual attacks, and gives you a new perspective on how to protect yourself, your home, and your loved ones using defensive and offensive spiritual approaches.

Brigid’s Healing Well: Energy Work with the Celtic Goddess

Presenter: Julie Atkinson

This talk will delve into the powerful energy of the Celtic Goddess Brigid, with a special focus on her healing well. Participants will learn how to connect with Brigid, harness her power for self-healing, and use her energy to heal others, both through direct energy work and by connecting with the healing well. The talk will include discussions of the historical and cultural significance of Brigid’s healing well, techniques for connecting with the well, and suggestions for working with Brigid’s energy.

Celestial Magic – A Guide to Drawing on Astrological and Planetary Magic

Presenter: Taylor Ellwood

In Celestial Magic, Taylor Ellwood walks practitioners through how to harness the magic of the stars and planets. Taylor will discuss how to tap into and connect with astrological currents and planetary cycles for magical work. He’ll also share how planetary magic can be used for specific operations and purposes and which planets to use for which purposes.

Crafting the Goddess in the Labyrinth

Presenter: Athena Dugan

Crafting the Goddess Labyrinth (Class #2)
Assemble your crafting materials:
– One bundle of yarn or crafting twine
– One bottle of Elmer’s glue
– Download an image of the Goddess Labyrinth

Harnessing the Goddess Asteroids: A Magical Exploration

Presenter: Mary D’Alba

This 60-minute workshop delves into the potent magical potential of the Goddess Asteroid Series: Vesta, Pallas Athena, Ceres, Lilith, and Juno. We will explore how to tap into the unique energies of these celestial bodies to enhance your magical practice.

Discover the correspondences, rituals, and spellwork associated with each asteroid. Learn how to invoke their powers for personal transformation, relationship magic, and manifestation. Through guided meditation, group discussion, and practical exercises, you will gain a deeper understanding of these archetypal energies and their application in your magical work.

Unleash the full potential of your craft as we explore the magic of the Goddess Asteroids together.

Intermediate to Advanced Sound Healing Class: Earth’s Resonance and Frequencies

Presenter: Renee Fleury

Elevate your sound healing practice in this specialized intermediate to advanced class, where we’ll dive deep into the profound relationship between Earth’s natural resonance and our own energetic frequencies. This immersive session is designed for those with a solid foundation in sound healing techniques who are ready to explore the more nuanced aspects of vibrational therapy.

In this class we’ll:

Learn how to attune to the Earth’s natural vibrations, including the Schumann Resonance and other planetary frequencies that profoundly impact our well-being. Delve into sophisticated sound healing methods, including the use of crystal bowls and tuning forks. Develop techniques to synchronize your personal energy with Earth’s frequencies. Through guided meditations and sound journeys, learn how to facilitate deep healing and balance for yourself and your clients.

Pre-requisites: A basic intro to and existing practice of sound healing.

Language is POWER

Presenter: Lailani

A Lecture on changing the language we use in occult spaces and how to intentionally create spaces to remove microaggressions. This lecture will be presented from the point of view of a Neurodivergent, Latine, She/Her who practices a Diasporic Tradition. The conversation will center around identifying commonly used terms within the occult/spiritual spaces and why they are harmful to practitioners and outside observers.

Liminal Spaces and Transcending Change.

Presenter: Griffon Magik

What are liminal spaces? Where do they occur and how are they created? How can you use these magically or to quiet your inner dialogues? What happens to you when you run into one unexpectedly? Is it in charge, or are you? What is the difference between the liminal space as created by ritual, environment or by the constraints of physical space?

Magical Challenges in Healthcare and in Hospital Stays

Presenter: Griffon Magik

How does a magical person prepare for surgery in a space that is not theirs? What can you do ahead of time to create that sacred space for healing in a hospital? If you are energy sensitive, what are some of the ways you can block the negative or pain energies from leaking into your space?

Magical medical people also have the same challenges of balancing their commitment to service and carrying these energies from room to room or sometimes going home with them too. How can they shield themselves?

A discussion on this topics and some tips and creative tricks that may be of use.

Seashells: Crystals From the Water

Presenter: Michelle Hanson

Many people are familiar with crystals from the mineral kingdom and earth element. Seashells are crystals from the animal kingdom and water element, offering a multitude of benefits for mind, body, and spirit. Shells from the outer world help mirror our inner energy to gain awareness and heal internal energetic issues. Throughout history, shells have been employed in multiple ways from cleansing energy to facilitating childbirth! We will examine these partnerships and many others…along the way, you will discover how shells connect to the chakras and some of the magic and wonder in the seashell kingdom.

Seashell Divination: Teachers Don’t Always Come in Human Bodies

Presenter: Michelle Hanson

Considering today’s state of the world, we need all the wisdom we can access. Thanks to recent documentaries like Netflix’s “My Octopus Teacher,” and books such as “Remarkably Bright Creatures” featuring an octopus narrator, people are gaining awareness that Mother Nature is full of master teachers that don’t come in human bodies. We will begin this seminar exploring some of the remarkable abilities of the octopus… there is so much to marvel at!

Recognizing this new status for the octopus, you may wonder what does the octopus have to do with seashell divination? Octopuses are cephalopods, a class of mollusks (the animals that create and inhabit shells) including the Chambered Nautilus. Although the octopus lost its shell through evolution, the Nautilus is celebrated for its shell depicting sacred geometry. Cephalopods are directly related to other mollusks, such as clams and snails, and although still overlooked, these relatives are also capable of offering profound guidance. With over 100,000 different species of shells, there is an entire kingdom eager to help us navigate through life. All we need is a means to decode their messages. Seashell divination answers the call.

By definition, seashell divination involves both the science of shells (wisdom without) and the intuitive guidance of divination (wisdom within.) Without intuition, we don’t venture far from the knowledge gained through our physical senses. Without the science, we lack the foundation to stimulate leaps in new directions. Working in partnership, they push and pull us to new discoveries with information that can transform lives. We will cover some of their master teachings on such topics as sacrifice, faith, conquering victimization, struggle, trust, feeling special, feeling flawed, pride, and volumes to share on the subject of love.

Partnering with the shells enables you to speak with your subconscious, allowing the inner self to communicate the information it considers most valuable for your growth. Once you discover any limiting beliefs, you are granted the opportunity to change them. Building from new beliefs will empower you to reshape your future!

Participants are invited to bring their own seashell partners or pictures of a favorite shell, and discover what message it holds.


Please visit and scroll down to orange banner to enroll in three free classes as preparation for the seminar. (Note: These introductory classes are suggested but not required.)

Significators: Who is Who Behind the Court Cards

Presenter: Marco Felgueiras

Mastering Court Cards: The Key to Confident Card Readings

Court cards often leave readers—beginners and experts alike—feeling uncertain and confused. But what if you could turn these elusive figures into powerful tools in your readings?

In this dynamic class, you’ll discover how to confidently identify and use significators, regardless of the card system or deck you favor. You’ll learn to recognize family members, delve into references from the Petit Etteilla tradition, and decode clusters of court cards that often leave readers perplexed. Through a practical sample spread, focused mainly on court cards, you’ll gain the skills needed to interpret every character that appears in your readings.

Empower yourself to read with clarity and precision—never be confounded by court cards again!

Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of any cartomancy system

The Goddess in the Labyrinth / Crafting your Goddess Labyrinth

Presenter: Athena Dugan

The Goddess in the Labyrinth (Class #1)
In this workshop, we’ll explore the labyrinth’s history, the goddess within it, her location and journey there. We’ll also delve into Ariadne’s story and learn how to employ a handheld labyrinth for meditation.

Spread the word!