Please read this information carefully. It gives you details about becoming a vendor at our in-person conference.

  • E-mail is our preferred method of contact. The email for this year’s Vendor Coordinator, Mary Kimball, is : You can send pictures of you and your wares, and bios to that email.
  • This form is designed to be filled out and submitted on-line.
  • Please do not send any payment until you receive a note from us that you have been accepted. We will be sending an invoice, and you will pay at that time.

If you have any questions or concerns which are not addressed here, please reach out to us and ask!

We look forward to seeing you in November.

The conference will be held at:

Courtyard by Marriott

4 Sebethe Drive

Cromwell, CT 06416

Thank you for your interest in the Changing Times Changing Worlds Conference (CTCW). Prospective vendors must complete & submit this application. We are seeking vendors who are willing to commit to the conference and we understand the time and energy this takes.

We are accepting retailers and service providers of holistic, eco-friendly, natural, new-age, fantasy, and hand-crafted products and services. We are also accepting applications for readers, wellness service providers, crafters, artists and artisans.

We jury all vendors, readers, and practitioners. CTCW will review your application as promptly as possible & notify you as to whether there is a current opening for the goods and services you offer. If your application is approved, payment must be received within 5 days from the date on the invoice. The notice of being accepted and the invoice will likely be sent at separate times.

Vending fees are generally NON-REFUNDABLE however we may consider requests on a case-by-case basis and issue credits for future years in the case of emergencies. The number of vending spaces is limited, and FEES MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE TO SECURE YOUR SPACE

We will be making every attempt to place vendor tables with some space between them. Other things we will be considering are the wearing of masks, distancing, and attendance regulation. We expect and request that all vendors who have signed this agreement will comply with those health and safety requests.

Applications and payments for the Conference are due prior to the event. Vendors/readers/practitioners who withdraw with fewer than 10 days notice forfeit any payments made. Payments are non-refundable.

Swag bags will be offered to the 1st 75 people who check in at the Conference Registration desk. If you would like to contribute a small product, sample, coupon, etc. for each bag, please get your items to Maryalyce Merritt no later than November 1, 2025. All gift items should be shipped to


c/o Maryalyce Merritt

191 Poplar Hill Road,

Wassaic, NY 12592

Vendor space placement is pre-assigned based on needs such as request for electric access, as well as on the basis of a first-paid, first-assigned basis. No particular space logistics can be guaranteed. Reasonable accommodations will be considered for those who have special needs. Please notify CTCW management in advance. We will try to honor reasonable accommodation requests made at the time your contract is submitted.

Healing practitioners must advise if they are bringing equipment such as massage tables or treatment chairs, etc. If you are bringing a garment rack, massage table, treatment chair or privacy/room divider, we must know in advance. If you surprise us on the day of the event, you will likely be disappointed. When in doubt, email with photos.

Cost for Vending

Space Information:

Cost: $200.00 for the 3 days of the Conference, for the FIRST vending space, $50.00 for each additional table to a maximum of 3 tables. This includes ONE admission to the conference. Admission for an assistant is available at the discounted rate of $50.00.

$15.00 additional fee for access to electricity

Single-day vending is available for Saturday and/or Sunday, at the rate of $50 per day. This rate does not include admission to Conference classes and other programs. Vendors who are vending a single day (Saturday or Sunday) may bring up to one assistant (who is actively involved in vending activities) at no charge.  Should single day vendor or their assistant wish to attend classes, they will have the opportunity to purchase a single day conference ticket at 50% off of the single day ticket price ($25 on Sat or $20 on Sunday). 

Table Size: 6′ (6 feet) x approx 30”’ (30 inches) deep. Vendors who are doing readings –ONLY– (no physical merchandise) will have a bistro style table, more conducive to giving and receiving readings

Space size: Your space will be large enough for the provided one (1) 6′ standard size table and 2 chairs (provided) to fit behind it. If you will be using: Garment racks, massage tables, zero gravity chairs, racks that are independently standing and do not fit on your table, easels and large independently standing pop-up shades and the like, THEY MUST FIT IN THE ASSIGNED SPACE AND we must know in advance. IF THEY CAUSE YOUR BOOTH SPACE TO EXCEED THE ALLOTTED STANDARD SPACE, THERE WILL BE AN ADDITIONAL COST.

In addition to the provided table and two chairs, your vending space also includes: listing on social media event, spotlight on social media pages, and a link on CTCW website.

Vendors who require spaces with electricity:

There are a limited number of spaces with electricity available, for an additional cost. If you are requesting a space that includes electricity, please make sure you pack additional extension cords.

Spread the word!