This page lists the classes and workshops we will be presenting at this year’s Conference. It is arranged in alphabetical order by class name.


Any prerequisites specified by the presenter are included at the end of the class description. IT IS THE RESPONSIBLITY OF THE ATTENDEE TO MAKE SURE THE REQUIREMENTS ARE MET.

Black Mirror Scrying

Presenter: Anthony Ragonese

Black mirror scrying is the art of gazing into a darkened glass to bypass the conscious mind and induce a trance state. Most people associate it with Victorian seances, spirit communication, and paranormal activity, but black mirror scrying doesn’t need to be scary. It can be used for a variety of spiritual, magical, and psychological purposes.

The Crowns of Success, Sovereignty, and Glory: Conjuring, Covering and Claiming Our Heavenly Inheritance NOW

Presenter: Orion Foxwood

Southern conjure and folk magic practices such as hoodoo, rootwork, and conjure often have commercial products (and some similar homemade items) such as oils, powders, washes, sachets, etc. labeled “Crown of Success.” But what does this name mean, what is the undergirding philosophy, and how do these products work? What is the Crown of Success anyway, and how does it relate to “Sovereignty of the Spirit” and the lesser known “Crown of Glory”? In this workshop, Orion will discuss the history of this concept, its meaning, how to establish and claim the crown, and how to mediate its power into all of our works and witchery. He will lead us in potent prayer and ritual forms to access this traditional anointing and to pull its presence and power onto and into our crown to awaken the “Divine Power sitting in our head.” The potency of this practice is the foundation and the core of the Christian aspects of conjure, as it was shared with Orion by his elders in this work. However, its usefulness applies across traditions.

Dealing With Deities: How To Manage A Polytheistic Pantheon

Presenter: Raven Kaldera

We neo-pagans are as eclectic about our gods as we are about everything else. However, there’s more to the nature of most deities than you can find in the average high-school book of myths. This workshop will explore the experience of connecting with different deities, their intrinsic natures, and how to respectfully deal with them. We’ll cover appropriate offerings, offering places, altars, and rituals for a wide variety of gods and goddesses from many cultural pantheons. We’ll also discuss how to communicate with the gods of foreign places without letting too many of our own cultural biases get in the way….and we’ll explore our favorite little-known gods and goddesses as well.

Endings and Regeneration in Astrology

Presenter: Christopher LaFond

This workshop will look at astrological symbols that signify endings, deaths, and regeneration, both in an individual’s life, as well as in the collective.
We’ll look at the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses, as well as the role of Saturn and Pluto, as well as others.
No previous astrological knowledge is needed to enjoy this workshop.

Espiritismo for the New Age

Presenter: Lailani Martinez

A lecture on:

– The history of Espiritismo/Spiritism as it is practiced by mediums in the Caribbean and Latin-America diaspora.

– Its Spiritual, Moral, Methaphysical tenants and influences.

– Roles and responsibility of Espiritistas/Spiritists/Mediums

– Role of spirits and ancestors.

– How to get started!

Ethically Approaching Baneful Magic

Presenter: Sidney Eileen

Baneful magic is a very hotly debated subject in witchcraft. Ethics and morality get mentioned a great deal, usually with all parties admitting that ethics are a critical aspect to determining whether or not baneful magic should be used. However, there is also usually little or no clarification about what that means, or how to personally evaluate the ethics of potential baneful workings. Join me as we weigh the often debatable, cultural, and personal nature of magical morality and ethics alongside some common motivations for doing baneful magic. We will examine common attitudes towards and frameworks for the ethics of baneful magic, being mindful of both the strengths and weaknesses of each. After that we will discuss some ways to approach finding and using your personal moral compass, so that you can decide for yourself how you want to approach baneful magic, or if you want to do it at all.

Flight to the Witch’s Sabbath: The Magical Lineage that Unites Us

Presenter: Orion Foxwood

Now, more than ever, in this time of challenge and uncertainty, magic workers across practices and traditions must be vision-directed, centered, and employ effective techniques or “magic with muscle” for the “heavy lifting before us. The witch’s sabbath is one such approach. Orion was taught that there are two primary meeting points (or inner places/ states) where the witch, the magical power, and the lineage of wisdom meet: a) the witch’s sabbat (specific seasonal tides) and the sabbath (a luminary internal lineage of wisdom and power). This Sabbath is an inner state of being where the witch is taught by otherworldly beings to renew their power and be one with the “sorcerous-tide”. Though traditionally connected to witches, it is also a place for all who seek the wild ways of natural magic. Orion will share lore, traditionally imagery, and flight (aka, broom-flying) chants to take us beyond the hedge to an eternal source of magic and an ancient unifying power. Let’s lift the veil for flight to power older than time!

Gifts for the Divine: The Art of Making Offerings

Presenter: Raven Kaldera

Why make offerings to the Gods? What sort of offerings are appropriate for what deities? Should you eat food offerings afterwards, or burn or bury them? What about shopping for Gods? We’ll talk about all the wonderful ways you can gift the Powers you love.

Hekataion: Protective Door Guardians of Hekate

Presenters: Sara Mastros & Brian “Chase” Charles

Throughout the classical world, shrines and statues of Hekate were placed by gateways; the gates of cities and temples. Great Greek houses very often had small marble statues of Hekate (called hekataion) at the doorways. More modest homes also had hekataion, likely of wood which rarely survive to the modern day. In this “make and take” workshop we’ll make and bless our own two dimensional ikons that we’ll paint and bless. After a brief lecture on Hekate and hekataion, we’ll divide into two groups. People who are more confident in their painting skills can choose to work with Chase to paint their own ikons. The rest of us will start with pre-printed bristol with a “coloring book” style Hekate by Brian Charles, which we’ll decorate and color in our own styles. Then, we’ll all come back together to chant the Orphic hymn to Hekate together and bless our hekataion. You’ll get a template, which you can print out, and trace onto bristol or wood. Yew is ideal.

The Huna Roadmap to Personal Power

Presenter: Stewart Blackburn

Personal power is the ability to fulfill one’s own private impulses and desires. In Huna we have seven principles that describe how power operates. Together they describe how we can shape our destinies and influence our experiences. While they can seem magical, they are really just based on an awareness of the deeper levels of our creaturehood and how reality gets put together.

This class will go into detail about each of the principles and how we can use them to our benefit. By understanding how we are creating our own personal realities we can better craft the lives we want. This is an interactive workshop with ample time and encouragement for questions.

Journey To the Shadow Goddesses: A Musical Ritual

Presenter: Jenna Greene

Join Emmy-nominated musician Jenna Greene on a guided musical journey into the realms of the Shadow Goddesses. This mystical meditation weaves together original songs, powerful archetypes, and thought-provoking words to deepen your connection with the darker parts of yourself. This connection is often called “shadow work.” Jenna perceives shadow work as both introspection and action regarding fears, blockages, harmful patterns and habits, setting boundaries, and protecting your energy.

What to bring:
A pen and notebook
A dark goddess item (ex: crystal skull, owl or raven charm, key)

Prerequisites: 18+

Limitations of Magic

Presenter: Archonstone

Why are we not all millionaires, winners of the lottery, living the best life?

How much magic can we do, and what are the consequences. Why are there limitations? What can I do and what can I get away with? Magic has unintended consequences, collateral damage, and natural limiters.

We don’t live as island separate from all the influences in the world, and there are influences of the world, mundane and spiritually that can have limiting effects. And what happens when you do get the big miracle what are the consequences, with whom, what, and why. Lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Magical Group Dynamics: Working Together

Presenter: Lisa McSherry

A magickal group is no stranger to all the energies that arise when people from different backgrounds, holding different points of view, try to get together. Always easy to see when there are problems, the dynamics are happening all the time in a somewhat cyclical fashion. Every group has a natural cycle of evolution, from the time of its formation, dipping in and out, backwards and forwards into various stages, until it arrives (inevitably) at its end. This workshop is a brief look at each stage of the cycle with ways to recognize where your group is at, as well as strategies for coping with the issues typically encountered at each level

The Magical World of Seashell Energy Tools

Presenter: Michelle Hanson

Mother Nature has so much to teach us if we are willing to listen. If we are open, we can avail ourselves of a variety of master teachers that do not come in human bodies. Many people are familiar with crystals from the mineral kingdom and earth element, and their benefit for mind, body, and spirit. Seashells are crystals from the animal kingdom and water element; there is so much power in their matrix! In this seminar we will investigate how shells connect to the chakras (personal and transpersonal) as well as shells that can be applied as specific energy tools. Working with seashell partners can bridge the worlds of logic and intuition. There will be some science, and a lot of magic to explore!


As a prerequisite, please visit to enroll for three free classes. These will serve to explain how I discovered this language from the seashell kingdom and provide an introduction to the world of mollusks and shells in preparation for this seminar. You will learn how the seashell kingdom offers valuable guidance to assist us in navigating through life.

New Perspectives in Divination

Presenter: Gretchen Stork

Ways to read cards, tiles and sticks that refresh your ability to do readings, with any system that you have information about. Theory will be woven into the discussion of tools, with a strong emphasis on getting outside that box you have been stuck in.

Neurodivergent Practice

Presenter: Brandon E. Hardy

When neurodivergence comes up in conversations of modern practice, most of the discussions turn towards navigating group settings. But what about personal practice? The three people presenting this class have been diagnosed with TS, ASD, or ADHD respectively. They will talk about practices, Entities, and magic they have encountered or made part of their personal practice in ways that don’t just include them, but are for them. Those who attend will be encouraged to join in and share their own experiences as well

The Once and Future Religion

Presenter: Oberon G’Zell

After an Age-long exile, Paganism is returning to the world. A proliferation of movies and TV with magical themes are only a few of the many ways in which the new Pagan Renaissance is impacting the popular culture—especially the next generation. Joseph Campbell said it is time for a new myth that includes the whole Earth and everyone on it. Paganism and the Gaia Thesis offer such an all-inclusive mythos.

“The Once and Future Religion” is about reclaiming our lost legacy of pre-monotheist cultures and values, so long suppressed by patriarchal dominion and bitter hatred of all things female—from mortal women to the Goddess Herself. Modern Pagans are bridging the gap of millennia, to reignite and pass the torch of the Mother’s Love to our children—and our children’s children.

Oracle Cards for Fun and Prophesy

Presenter: Catherine Kane

Many people know about the tarot. Fewer know about oracle cards- and there’s a lot of misinformation about oracle cards out there.

This class is created to give you better information on oracle cards- what they are, how to pick a deck that’s right for you, how to use them successfully, how to use multiple decks, intuitive interpretation of the cards and lots of other fun and useful techniques that can help you give a good reading.

Oracle cards are one way of doing a helpful, accurate and fun reading. Join Catherine to learn practical skills for working with oracle cards that you can use right away.

The Psychic Yellow Brick Road

Presenter: Corbie Mitleid

People think psychics are one of two things: either reality show folks like the Long Island Medium or fake “Madame Hoohah” or “Swami Swellanda” types. That they are busy telling your future in vague predictions, cold-guessing about your dead relations and are completely “glurpy purple with angels” when they talk to you.

SO not the truth.

Corbie Mitleid has seen it all – the rip-offs, the truth-tellers, and the workaday psychics who may not have marquee names but are skilled and valuable nonetheless. Reading since 1973 and active as a professional psychic medium since 1994, she’s experienced clients from every angle: Rookies. Seasoned co-creators. Skeptics. And she’s dealt with the desperate, the delusional, and the ones who think psychics are a shortcut to gaining their heart’s desires without lifting a finger for themselves.

Why do some people have terrible experiences? Why do they end up going from reader to reader, never finding what they need? Because they didn’t have a reliable GPS (Guide to Psychic Services) to take with them on their search.

Whether you’re a professional reader yourself or simply want to understand how the profession works, Join Corbie in this fast-paced (and funny) exploration of the Psychic Yellow Brick Road: how to find the real wizards…and avoid the flying monkeys.

Runes for Healing

Presenter: Diana L. Paxson

The runes are much more than a tool for divination. They are a powerful tool for use in healing. In this session we’ll discuss which runes might be used for different conditions and explore several ways to deliver them, with especial attention to fighting Covid-19

Runes and Magic

Presenter: Jane Sibley

Runes began as a writing system, and the earliest magic was simply magical words written in runes, because that’s how people wrote. The idea that runes themselves were intrinsically magical probably came from Snorri Sturluson (early medieval period) who described Odin hanging on Yggdrasil and claiming the runes. Since then, there were a number of runic New Ages (we are currently in the 5th one). We will look at these from medieval into modern times, and the development of runes as magical, as opposed to simply an alphabetic system. Traditions live and change as time goes by.


Some familiarity with runes would be helpful, since this is not an “Introduction to runes” class.

Spae Rite – an oracular ritual

Presenters: Diana Paxson and Laurel Mendes

This divinatory rite is a modern recreation of the ancient Northern European oracular practice. where attendees may receive answers to questions from the seeresses who have journeyed in trance to Hela’s Hall— the realm of the ancestors

Spiritual Activism from a BIPOC Perspective

Presenter: Lailani Martinez

This is a lecture about the intersectionality of being BIPOC and a Spiritual leader in a socio-political climate of trauma. I will discuss the roles of BIPOC spiritual activists and spiritual activist allies.

How can allies be trauma-informed?

How can allies participate in the movement without speaking over BIPOC voices?

and much more…

Staving Off Ragnarok

Presenter: Diana L. Paxson

Some say the world will end in fire, some, in ice. If you look at Norse mythology, it will be both, when those giants who wield the unbalanced elemental forces battle the gods at Ragnarok. Many cultures believe the earth has gone through many ages, but in cosmic terms, our Holocene Age, in which our current ecosystem and our civilization evolved, has barely begun. The gods call us to fight for the earth now, so that Ragnarok will not come before its destined time

The Sympathetic Magic of Decluttering

Presenter: Catherine Kane

Creative minds are rarely tidy. That’s true of metaphysical minds, too.

Sometimes that means that we need to clear out things and beliefs that no longer work for us, to make room for new things, beliefs, people and experiences as part of our path of growth and learning.

One way to do this is decluttering. Not dumping everything you love and starting again with three white floor pillows. Instead, looking around to find what’s in your life, not because it serves you but because it’s been there forever, and you’re so used to it that you no longer see it. The things I think of as “old luggage”- the stuff that’s breaking your back to carry but that you’re so used to that you don’t realize that you can put them down because they no longer work in your life.

In sympathetic magic, an item serves as a representative for a bigger item or issue. A stuffed animal can be a vehicle for distance healing. A broken vase can be a connection to a belief that needs fixing. A toy car can be a focus for raising the funds for a real car. And just as some things can be connections for positive magic, so can some items connect to issues where we’re stuck or trapped.

At that point, decluttering can be useful when we’re looking for things that no longer work for us and clearing them out to make room for things, people and experiences that will help us learn and grow, and will contribute to our happiness. No judgment here. The only opinion that matters on what stays and what goes is your own.

This practical class is more about you being conscious about what you chose to keep and what you don’t. It’s about awareness and how to work with energy to create the life you want. It includes elements of that awareness, the Law of Attraction, energy work, Feng Shui and free will, (amongst other things). Let’s talk about letting go of things that don’t serve us to make room for things that do.

When It’s Time to Cross The Veil, No One Gets Out Alive So Be Prepared.

Presenter: Mama Kimball

One day we will all cross the veil to the other side. In this class we will discuss things we should try to have in place before this happens, things like: what paperwork should be in place, what is an end-of-life doula and how can they help, what should I do with my magical items or books, is there a ritaul I want to have done when I cross over, who should look after my affairs, etc? We will also discuss ideas of what may be on the other side. Let us not be afraid of what needs to be done and what may be waiting for us on the other side.

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